Friday, July 26, 2019

Beans and their benefits.
@Steemit community, beans are beneficial because they contain fiber, starch, healthy proteins, fats and carbohydrates, vitamins B, C, PP, carotene and provitamin A, minerals potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron, sulfur, molybdenum, manganese and pectin. Useful organic substances and acids. By the way, the protein content of beans is almost equal to meat products. The mineral contained in molybdenum beans helps neutralize dangerous preservatives and also regulates the level of sugar in human blood. In addition, beans contain a significant amount of fiber, which helps reduce the level of harmful cholesterol. [source](


Due to the high content of fiber and pectin substances, beans contribute to the removal of heavy metal salts from the intestine, in particular, radioactive isotopes; Therefore, the use of grains is recommended for people living in areas contaminated with radionuclides. Beans are an excellent source of folic acid and potassium, and therefore are very effective healing foods. Drinking beans helps cleanse the blood and also makes the body more resistant to various infections. A significant amount of B vitamins contained in beans, strengthens the cardiovascular system and reduces the risk of heart disease. Due to its high fiber and fiber content, beans have a very beneficial effect on the digestive system. And thanks to manganese, hair becomes more beautiful and strong. According to nutritionists, it is enough to consume 100 to 150 grams of legumes a day so that, after two or three weeks, the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood decreases significantly. And to maintain their health at the right level, a person needs to eat between fifteen and twenty kilograms of beans a year. Beans can rightly be called an indispensable product for diet and vegetarian food. They have an effective therapeutic effect on the body and also prevent the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver. One of the benefits of beans is that, as a result of regular use of this product, the growth of cancerous tumors stops. In cosmetology, a decoction made from the flowers of beans is actively used to clean the face.

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