Saturday, July 27, 2019


My cup of tea - herbs infused with a bit of dystopia

When I first read George Orwell’s Animal Farm followed by 1984, I was still quite young. Most of those memories are now covered with a thick layer of dust. So thick most of the details I feel as if I am reading again for the first time now that I’ve decided to revisit this realm in its original form and language.

Somehow as time goes on, the relevance of 1984 seems to increase. Not to sound paranoid, but with our data exposed in so many ways, government surveillance, data collection and selling, security cameras everywhere, we can certainly assume that the Big Brother is watching us whoever it might be. I am even slightly suspicious of the free google home assistant I recently received. Listening to every sound I make if I dare to turn it on by my own choice. Yes, the free part raises my eyebrows.

What are the motives? There are no free lunches in this world. We are already aware of the customized add targeting and tailored search results. Data, data, data. More data. It is inevitable. Privacy is a hoax. We leave our digital footprints everywhere. Traces of breadcrumbs of our interests, needs, wants, likes, and dislikes.

Oh and the censorship… Well, eat it Ministry of Truth! Blockchain for the win! At the same time, all of us are bombarded with propaganda, fed information while we are unaware or we are reduced to the level of completely brainwashed drones with no original thought following the command. Sheep to the slaughter. All of that in the background, of course. Lines are blurred on purpose. Data, data, data is money and power. Dream a little dream of our data being owned solely by ourselves.

So gloom and doom, but sometimes a tiny dose of gloomy doom is healthy for the brain.  

Besides the book reading again, I am trying to pick up the habit of daily sketching. The idea is to do a quick sketch (quick, no paper pokings longer than an hour), freehand, and let it be ugly if need be. I hope that it will help to loosen up my style a little or unlock something. The process is still very slow for me, with a lot of contemplation in between and of course constant fear of ruining it. That too will pass.

My flower crown from previous year’s summer solstice

It is almost a week since I am back home. Closer to nature, closer to the forest and lake. It feels as if some loose cable had been plugged back in and I suddenly can go full power. I haven’t been this motivated for half a year at least. Back on track! Back on running track! Back to meditating and practicing awareness. Back to my tiny garden and also the giant one as it turns out. I will begin the grand battle with the wild weeds next week. So excited about everything! Wish there were more hours in a day for all the things I would like to do.

Perhaps, I will see elephants in Thailand in November. Hopefully, they are treated well there though

Song of the day: Muse - Resistance
Originally posted here:

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