Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Do you want to see a healthy, intelligent and energetic child near you who can face different tasks every day? If the answer is "yes," then the number one task for a parent is to teach their child to drink water in the correct amount.

## Did you know that water is: 75% of the child's brain. 83% blood 22% of the bones. 75% muscle ### WHY DOES A CHILD NEED TO DRINK WATER? Because the water:
- Regulates the baby's body temperature. - Maintains vigor and attention. - Maintains muscle activity. - Helps the body absorb nutrients. - Maintains joint flexibility. - Helps translate food into energy. - Protects vital organs. - Helps eliminate toxins from the body. ## HOW MUCH WATER DOES A CHILD HAVE TO DRINK? Use the following calculation: multiply the child's weight in kilograms by 2,205 and divide it by 2. Then, the result is divided again by 8. And the last step: multiply the resulting number by 240. The amount of water your child should drink per day results. For example, your child weighs 23 kg. To find out the amount of water needed for a child: 1) (23 × 2,205) ÷ 2 = 25.35. 2) 25.35 ÷ 8 = 3.17. 3) 3.17 × 240 = 760 (ml) Therefore, 760 ml of water (or 3-4 glasses) should be drunk for a child weighing 23 kg per day. ### TIPS TO CREATE A CHILD'S WATER DRINKING HABIT

#### 1. Tell your child about the benefits of water. Tell the child in an understandable language about the magical properties of water, how it will make him strong and intelligent! Believing in this, water will fill the child with strength and mind with every sip. #### 2. Make the water bottle visible. To do this, take a regular bottle and rewind with colored tape and always keep it in a prominent place. Agree with the child that as soon as he notices it, take a few sips. #### 3. Turn drinking water into vivid emotions. To do this, buy a special cup for water from a child. She should be beautiful, maybe even with her favorite characters. Always leave this special cup of water where your child can easily reach it so he doesn't need to ask for it. #### 4. Make water available. Leave cups of water not only in the kitchen, but also in the child's room, and perhaps in the living room! #### 5. Always keep water in the car. Offer your child water regularly during the trip. #### 6. Always give the child water to school. Do not rely on the coolers that are installed there. They often have no water or glasses. #### 7. Use a bottle with a scale. Make a mark on the water bottle, and every time the child drinks, the water should be finished to a certain level. #### 8. Use ice. Now you can find the most incredible ways to freeze water. Keep that shape in the freezer. Children will enjoy allowing you to put a piece of ice in a glass with their water! Don't worry, from a piece of ice the water won't turn freezing. #### 9. Make a glass of water more attractive. Frozen fruits are fun for both young children and adults! Freeze berries or small pieces of fruit in molds and put them in a glass of water. #### 10. Make the process interesting and fun. Turn the drink into fun with amazing water pipes. Yes, most of the time they are used for chocolate cocktails, but nobody forbids using them to drink water! Keep them in a prominent place so that the child can always have fun with them! #### 11. Teach children self-care. Let them know and know how to pour water, where to get the pipes, ice, etc. #### 12. Be a role model. Praise the water in front of the child, say that this is the best drink in the world, repeat how he likes the water and how tasty it is. Pouring a glass of water, always offer the child too. #### 13. Celebrate every day. Make a poster in which you and your child mark the amount of water you have drunk. You can draw a bottle with marks and paint them every time you drink water. Or draw a person's silhouette and paint it, starting with the feet and ending with the head. The task is to color the bottle or the silhouette completely at night. They can reward each other with a sticker for coping with the task of drinking enough water all day long! #### 14. Establish a rule: first water, then juice. If a child prefers other drinks to the water, for example, juice, let it be a reward for drinking a glass of water! #### 15. Limit the amount of drinks in your home. If a child has a large selection of drinks, such as juice, compote, soda, milk, water, he will most likely prefer more sweet drinks than water. Therefore, teaching the child to drink water, eliminate all unnecessary. Leave only water, milk and some juice. And alternate them throughout the day, giving preference to water. ***The habit of drinking water makes your child healthy, intelligent and energetic. In addition, the habits formed in childhood remain with us for life. Your son will thank you!*** ## Reference: [1]([2](

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