Monday, July 29, 2019

Getting fat on Steem
Many people have the, "I don't have time to exercise" excuse and I myself have used this over the last two years as to why I haven't hit the gym *at all* or, done much of anything. I have to say; I do believe that I put in more hours of work than the average bear and this month will have done enough hours for the average year. That doesn't include the time I spend on Steem. >*Steem has made me fat.* This is a picture of my wife from the weekend, as since I am fat enough that she no longer takes pictures of me - there are no pictures I can add here of myself. You must be disappointed. She has a lovely shape naturally and struggles with her strength, but hasn't seen the inside of a gym for years more than me after she injured her leg dancing about 6 years ago. *Excuses.* Getting older sucks and I can feel the limitations of my body closing in rapidly, yet I believe that it is much faster than it needs to be. I don't feel great, my legs and neck are tense, my stomach gets in the way of doing up my fly and my joints ache when lifting anything heavier than a laden fork. While far from fat what many would consider overweight by looks, I don't feel good. >So, it is time to make a change. Two weeks ago, I started doing 5-10 minutes of exercise at an outdoor gym that is next to my workplace. While not much considering what I once did and perhaps only in my head, I can already feel the change in my body. This has been combined with a great deal more walking than usual in warmer weather than normal, as well as a slightly better diet than I have typically had in recent years. I don't care much about the physical weight as my BMI is over 30 now, and 26 when I had 10% fat - once upon a time, I do care about the way I look and having to squeeze myself into clothing is not my idea of great condition. Nor is buying larger clothing to make up for the stomach. >On a side note, *dressing to look slimmer doesn't improve your health.* There is something to be said about the idea of "look good naked" because I think that we live in a world that overvalues quick results and there is nothing quicker for losing weight than covering it with a loose bag so that no one notices. I know, I know - looks don't matter… >Bullshit But regardless what you think of my opinion, it is my own thoughts and feelings about myself that matter to my own behavior and while I can accept limitations from aging, I can't really accept that I am not doing enough to improve my condition the best I can. While a healthy mind aids a healthy body, a healthy body aids a healthy mind - our physiology is such that our mind and body as well as our emotional state are all working in unison. Our thinking ability, our moods and our willingness to engage in activity are all tied to factors of our body in some way - and pretending they are not is folly. Plus, the most important reason is my wife and daughter because if I know that my condition affects me, by default they are going to be affected by my condition also. Most people recognize when they are ill that their own temperament changes and they might become short-tempered and nap or less willing to participate. This is no different than if the body is not in decent physical condition *without illness.* I also believe that there is a relatively straight line in between parents who demonstrate active and healthy lifestyles, and kids who follow similarly. While there are genetics in play also, environment matters too, and I want my daughter to treat her body well instead engage in the path of slow suicide that many of us seem to take. While I don't have the time to get to the gym fully as of yet, I do have the time to engage in some activities at home and perhaps will postpone a comment or two to drop and do 20 or do some band exercises. Rubber bands are cheap, take up zero space and can be used in a multitude of ways to do everything from increase muscle to strengthen joints and stretch. I have a few at home, but they don't do much good in the drawer. And that is where my body has metaphorically been for the last few years, collecting dust in the drawer. Over the last couple weeks, I have been getting the motivation and inspiration back and looking for some opportunities to move rather than some excuses to stay still. Let's see if the motivation of the mind turns into action of the body. I have spent far too much of my life with illnesses I have little control over, I should know much better than to let my body degrade into illness I can affect. While I love writing, participating and earning on Steem, I also have to spend some time making sure my mind, body and mood is in the right frame for successful living. Investing into ourselves is vital for a healthy future. Taraz [ a Steem original ]

Originally posted here:

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