Wednesday, May 22, 2019

The U.S.A. Government Have A Patent On Cannabis - What!
### (Washington, D.C.) – On December 20 President Trump may have made medical history.He signed the 2018 Farm Bill into law. Within its pages is a provision lifting a wrongful ban on what some experts consider “nature’s miracle pain remedy.” ### The natural pain relief properties of CBD Hemp are so remarkable the U.S. Government even holds a patent (#6,630,507) Here's what comes up in Google search - US Patent 6630507 – The US Government's Cannabis Patent - I tried to link it for you but it gets blocked - Hmn! ### What the US Patent 6630507 says in brief - The patent clearly states that cannabinoids are powerful antioxidants which have the potential to treat a myriad of age-related, inflammatory, and auto-immune disorders. The patent goes on to say cannabinoids are also a natural neuroprotectant which could help treat neurological damage caused by stroke and trauma, as well as, other health conditions… ### For the past 70 years, this safe and natural pain breakthrough has been outlawed.Drug companies lobbied against it. Politicians pressured by Big Pharma,supported measures to keep it out of the public’s hands. Now CBD Hemp from the Cannabis plant is available to everyone for the first time without a prescription. ### This proven pain relief miracle is drug-free. Scientific studies from around the world have shown it treats arthritis, chronic pain, joint aches, inflammation, anxiety, stress, depression, PTSD, insomnia and a slew of other common ailments. The amazing thing is it does all of this naturally. That means no more prescriptions, no more doctors and no more addictive and deadly opioids. ### Pure CBD is derived from Hemp.It provides Cannabidiol (CBD) which has the health benefits without the psychoactive intoxicating effects of plant family member THC.Plant scientiscists have separated the two and the world of Natural Health benefits now, and increasingly in the future,thanks to ongoing scientific plant research.. ### Americans across the country rely on Pure CBD daily. This pain relief miracle is becoming a national sensation. Many believe it is the best natural alternative to addictive prescription painkillers like Vicodin and Oxycontin. ### Respected doctors, athletes, celebrities, and everyday folks report amazing results. Many swear by it. So we decided to find see if Pure CBD really works, and if it has any unwanted side effects. ### Many of the staunchest detractors of CBD have made a complete “about face.” ### Dr. Sanjay Gupta was once a strong voice against medical cannabis use throughout his career. Recently, he reversed his stance admitting, “The science is there. This isn’t anecdotal. CBD can help.” ### In an open letter to former U.S. Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, he wrote: “The consensus is clear: Cannabis can effectively treat pain.” ### We dug deeper and found further evidence that CBDPure has the ability to stop pain in its tracks. In addition, this super-powerful compound relieves a number of other health issues. ### The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine agrees with Dr. Gupta’s conclusion after conducting what it called the "most comprehensive studies of recent research" on the health effects of cannabis. ### According to their comprehensive report, the many health benefits of CBD include: • Reduced feelings of anxiety • Reversing brain damage caused by alcohol • Anti-inflammatory, neuro-protective, and anti-oxidant • Reduces nausea and vomiting • Suppresses seizure activity • Combats psychosis disorders • Relieves depression • Fights cancer cells • Greatly reduces seizure activity • Pain management • Diabetic support ### Dr. Mehmet Oz has also had a change of heart. He confessed on Larry King that he grew up thinking Marijuana (Marijuana is the Mexican name for Cannabis) was “something Satan was throwing at Americans and a communist plot.” ### Today he believes medical uses of marijuana can be “hugely beneficial when used correctly.” ### And Dr. Travis Stork, during an episode of “The Doctors”, said CBD is a natural solution to pain management and inflammation. ### Furthermore, he confirmed that it is even more effective than prescribed painkillers. ### So Effective The U.S. Government Has A Patent! ### You know you’ve got something special when the U.S. government gives it the “thumbs up.” ### Former speaker of the house, John Boehner , told voters in 2011 he was “unalterably opposed” to marijuana legalization. He has since come around stating that “my thinking on cannabis has evolved.” ### The New York Times recently quoted Mr. Boehner as saying that cannabis “can help our veterans, and reverse the opioid epidemic ravaging our communities.” ### Even Harvard Medical School reports it is “an option for treating different types of chronic pain.” ### Study after study proves the ingredients in hemp-derived CBD are a miracle remedy. It offers a wide range of therapeutic benefits helping to alleviate various conditions including: • Chronic pain • Rheumatoid arthritis • Fibromyalgia • Joint inflammation • Memory problems • Anxiety • Nausea • Schizophrenia • Diabetes • PTSD • Alcoholism • Strokes • Cardiovascular disease • And other ailments. ### It’s important to understand that CBD isn’t just for those with medical conditions. Healthy people also benefit from using CBD as part of a preventative health plan. It promotes quality sleep, helps reduce stress and anxiety, and acts as a natural anti-inflammatory agent, in other words it helps keep your immune systems natural defences alert and healthy. ### Even better, there are no scientific studies to date showing any negative side effects of consuming cannabidiol regularly. CBD has actually been extensively studied and proven to have only positive effects. This is part of why taking it is so appealing. ### The World Health Organization reports… ### “In humans, CBD exhibits no effects indicative of any abuse or dependence potential…. To date, there is no evidence of public health related problems associated with the use of pure CBD.” ### That’s why CBD is fast-becoming the “go-to” safe pain relief remedy for millions of Americans. ### Even Hollywood celebrities and world-class athletes use it for their ailments. Since it works so well, word has spread to millions of fans. ### Regular Folks, Hollywood Stars & Top Athletes Swear By It ### Joy Smith: “This Is All Down To The Cannabis Oil. I Shouldn’t Be Here, But I Am.” ### Joy Smith -- Joy has been making the rounds all over the U.S. to tell her story about how hemp-derived CBD literally saved her life. After being diagnosed with stage IV cancer, Joy was given literally weeks to live. That's when a friend told her about non-narcotic CBD. ### Joy feels that CBD saved her life. She has been cancer free for nearly 2 years and in that time, has been a tireless supporter of legal CBD in all 50 States and all over the world. In fact, countless celebs admit they avoided taking harmful medication, by taking this safer, more powerful alternative. ### Morgan Freeman: "The Only Thing That Offers Relief For Fibromyalgia is CBD" ### Jennifer Aniston: "I Enjoy Using CBD And Wish More People Knew The Benefits" ### Everyone from Michael J. Fox, to Whoopi Goldberg, to Montel Williams and pop sensation, Rhianna endorse the health power of CBD. ### So do professional athletes and coaches including: 5-time NBA champion, Steve Kerr… MMA fighter, Nate Diaz… NFL linebacker, Derrick Morgan… and NFL Super Bowl champ, Cullen Jenkins among many others. ### The Verdict: “Nature’s Pain Buster” Works ### With the US government taking out a patent on a specific part of Cannabis and after the reams of scientific research, clinical studies and testimonials from regular people and celebrities the truth is obvious - CBD fron the CBDPure Company contains some of the highest quality, hemp-derived CBD products available right now - Visit here - ### This formula is safe, all-natural, water-soluble, CO2-extracted, triple-tested for purity and sourced from organic cannabis. ### The medicinal and recreational cannabis boom has also brought a huge rise in the number of different cannabis producers. Most vendors are operating under fluctuating, often ill-defined regulatory standards. So you’ve got to be very careful. ### CBDPure passes with flying colors.You can see the evidence on their CBDPure website here - ### CBD Is Clinically-Proven To: • Reduce pain by binding to CB1 receptors while reducing swelling • Reduce anxiety cognitive impairment, and even depression • Slow the spread of cancer by "turning off" genes that produce tumors • Combat Alzheimer's by removing plaque that block neuron-signaling • Reduce cigarette addiction by lowering nicotine cravings • Improve sleep quality and restore respiratory stability to those with sleep Apnea • Clear acne by stopping fats from building on the skin • Regulate blood sugar and lower insulin resistance • Relieve symptoms of IBD (Chron's or Colitis) through its anti-inflammatory effects • Improve symptoms of MS (multiple sclerosis) by protecting neurons • Help prevent obesity and much more! ### People From Coast-To-Coast Are Finally Living Pain-Free ### Just like Enedina Stanger who recently said… ### "I owe everything to my faith, my family, and CBD. It really is a miracle. I wouldn't be here without its healing effects." - Enedina Stanger ### Enedina even made history by participating in the grueling “American Ninja Warrior” competition after being stuck for four years in a wheelchair. She credits her amazing physical recovery to CBD.
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