Wednesday, May 22, 2019

ADSactly Beauty: 6 Amazing Teas For Your Skin

Hello @adsactly readers, I’m really happy to see how well everyone’s taken to the new #beauty series here on @adsactly, so keep those comments coming, guys. Right, so you’ve probably gathered from previous posts that I love talking about natural, cheap and effective skincare. And trust me, I have tried a lot of store-bought products and honestly, I haven’t found a single one that I enjoy as much as the natural remedies I’m sharing with you. So, in the past, we took a quick look at [yummy natural face masks]( and [scrubs (oh, and a fun and easy facial at home routine!)]( And I thought today, we’d take it a step further – make it even easier! Now, let me ask you, are you a tea person? Everyone I know is either a tea or coffee person, and as I said in my previous post, coffee has its own awesome benefits for your skin. But what about tea? Well, this one kinda seems like a no-brainer… of course tea is great for your skin! Both inside and out, so let’s get to it. ## 1. Chamomile Tea

I’m starting with my favorite tea, naturally, and that is chamomile. I love it for so many different reasons. First and foremost, chamomile tea is great to drink right before bed, because it’s stress-relieving and promotes good sleep. And what’s the first enemy of your skin (beside dirt, of course)? Why, sleep deprivation, of course. So, by making sure you sleep well, it helps you avoid dark circles under your eyes and puffiness and really, that’s the first step to great skin. But say you forgot to drink your chamomile tea last night and are now staring in the mirror, with horror, at the bags under your eyes and overall sleepy face. Chamomile can help with that, too! Brew yourself a cup (hey, it’s great to drink at all hours, right?) and let it cool a bit. You can either place the tea bag itself on or around your eyes, to relieve the dark circles and that sleepy look or you can soak a cotton pad in the tea and apply it to your chosen area for a few minutes, while you sip on some delicious chamomile tea. If you don’t have the time/patience to hold the cotton pad in one place, you can also wash your face with chamomile tea. It is incredibly calming, so helps with dark circles as well as acne – overall, what’s not to like? Oh, and by the way, ladies, it’s great for soothing those time-of-the-month pains! ## 2. Green Tea

This one, as you probably know, is great to drink daily, especially if you’re not a coffee person. Green tea is full on anti-oxidants and helps cleanse you on the inside and promotes the well-functioning of your body. Not to mention it’s delicious! Green tea is also great to use on your skin, particularly if you have normal to oily skin. It has anti-inflammatory properties and like the chamomile, helps get rid of that undesired redness and irritation. It cleans the face and fights the bacteria that causes skin problems. Oh, and it’s full of good catechins (packed with Vitamins C and E) that reduce damage from too much sun exposure and promote the production of new cells and the shedding of the old. You can use this one daily, in a spray bottle or on a cotton pad, to cleanse and tone your skin! ## 3. Rooibos Tea

If you’re anything like me, this one’s already on your list of favorites, especially when it comes to drinking. Personally, I love green tea, but often, it’s just too agitating and prefer a chill, but tasty rooibos. It’s great, tastes like dessert minus the calories – it’s a treat, without the guilt, what’s there not to like? And did you know it’s great against aging? Apparently, a study a few years back showed that if you drink a lot of rooibos tea , it can help maintain the fat under the skin (a very real problem, as time wears on) and keep yourself looking younger. Now, I don’t know if that’s actually true, but it can’t hurt to try, can it? > “Rooibos tea is traditionally used to therapeutically treat asthma, allergies, and skin conditions such as eczema.” [src]( Mainly because it’s full of antioxidants that help clear up your skin, so you can use it both on your skin, as well as drink it to keep healthy. ## 4. Peppermint Tea

Peppermint is a well-known treatment for an upset stomach, not to mention it makes for a refreshing beverage, both hot and cold. It’s also very efficient in fighting stress and, like chamomile, helps when you can’t sleep. So, when you’re feeling like the world is closing in around you, make yourself a cup of peppermint tea and sit down to listen to your favorite song for five minutes – it will help you like you wouldn’t believe! Peppermint tea is also recommended when trying to lose weight, as it is a known appetite suppressant (makes you want to eat less). It also helps to drink it in the morning, mixed with green tea, to boost your metabolism. As for your skin, it’s especially useful against hormonal acne. Apparently, it can help level your estrogen levels (although this only happens in some cases, don’t bet on it). A tip I really like is that you add peppermint tea to your bath water, to treat acne topically, and reap the effects all over your body. It sounds great and I’m pretty sure you can do this with other teas as well – and who doesn’t like a good, relaxing bath? (recommended: 5-6 tea bags!) ## 5. Black Tea

Another great, efficient tea against anti-aging, black tea is choc-full of antioxidants and fights the free radicals in your body that cause aging. It’s also used to tone the skin and accelerate skin cell regeneration. It also has a high caffeine level which, together with the anti-oxidants, it helps fight against colds and viruses and keep your body running well. It’s a great boost for the immune system, as well. I’ve heard it said it makes a good rinse for the face, as well as an awesome exfoliator, when combined with honey (open the tea bag after making the tea, I mean, and combine its contents with some honey). Now, this may be a tad too strong for you (personally, not a big fan of black tea, because it’s really strong), but hey, it’s worth a try and if you really don’t wanna, you can always go for one of the other teas on our list! ## 6. White Tea

The mother of all teas, apparently. Why? Because white tea contains leaves that were cut down when they were really young, and also when they contained a whole lot of polyphenols (the antioxidant that fights cancer cells, as well as various other bacteria that affect your body, both inside and out). So, it’s really really good to drink and use on your skin, as it clears breakouts and makes skin more bright. Also, did you know that our skin contains an enzyme called matrix metalloproteinases, which increases as we grow older. And by regularly drinking white tea (as well as dabbing it on your skin), you can stop that enzyme from decreasing collagen and elastin, which is what it usually does. Collagen and elastin are hugely important to keep a healthy, young skin, so it’s worth a try, definitely. --- There are many, many other teas that can help keep you healthy, such as kombucha (rich in antioxidants), jasmine (great for oily and acne-prone skin) and oolong (levels the color of your skin – fights dark circles, sun exposure and even smoking damage) and I really do wish we could talk about all of them in detail, but I’m afraid we’re running out of time. If you’d like to find more great teas for your skin, read [this article here](! Once again, I feel it’s necessary to remind everyone that skin is very different, from one person to the other. What works for me might irritate you and vice-versa, so always be careful what you put on your skin and watch how your skin reacts to new treatments. #### Learn what works for you. Seriously, there’s nothing better you could do for your skin and overall health than know yourself. ## What about you? Do you have any go-to teas for your skin (or for a yummy treat)? ##### Authored by @honeydue *References : [1]( [2]( [3]( [4]( [5](* *[Original Thumbnail Pic](*
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