Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Millennials less healthy compared to previous generations, study says - ABC NEWS 4
## Millennials less healthy compared to previous generations, study says - ABC NEWS 4
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### Summary A new study suggests millennials are less healthy than previous generations. “In general, we’re seeing millennials getting diagnosed earlier, things they have not been diagnosed in the past,” said cardiologist Darren Sidney, who works at Tri… ### My Thoughts I really like where Abcnews4 went with this article. It paints the picture of the industry and the potential the future can hold. If this is possible - what amazing technological inovations are in store for us in the future? Let's wait and see... ### Thank you for Reading! This has been your health news update. Thank you so much for reading. I do my best to bring Steem the most up to date news. Please don't forget to leave your thoughts and comments below. ---
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