Thursday, May 30, 2019

My Actifit Report Card: May 30 2019
It’s different when you hurt and you know why. But when you hurt and you don’t know why... now that drives me crazy. My left knee is having a not so good time bending past 90 degrees or straightening all the way out. It is very painful deep inside the back of my knee. I have no clue why it is bugging me so bad but I am just going to try and kick back and I e it this weekend. I know I know, me kicking back isn’t a common sight.


I am just glad that this was the last day of the work week so I can get off my leg for a couple days. I had some hustling at work to do today so I couldn’t let this knee slow me down. I almost hit that 20K mark and I would have but I have been on the couch since I got home. This Sucks BAD!!!


Until next time...


Steem On and Stay Healthy Actifitters and


Don’t forget to mention @splatz when you encounter a post that deserves a good Splattin’ by the @splatz trail


Daily Activity,House Chores,Moving Around Office,Walking

Originally posted here:

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