Saturday, May 18, 2019

How to increase testosterone production naturally (for guys)
**Let’s be honest guys**, if you’re reading this, you’re probably suspecting that you have a testosterone deficiency. But not to worry, this is a common problem with which millions of men struggle, and is actually quite a simple fix. I’ll explain everything you need to know so that you can feel the way you should. Before getting into the details, I’d like to point out, there is a wide array of possible deficiencies that you could be experiencing. This guide is explicitly meant for increasing testosterone, and if you take action, you will see results. However, this is not an all-inclusive solution. If you have a serotonin deficiency or are lacking vitamins and nutrition, high levels of testosterone won’t change that. With that said, I still recommend going through this guide, it’s important to be well-rounded, and a bit extra testosterone will still contribute to your well-being. ### **How does a low testosterone level affect you?** Whether you’re 20 years old, or 50, a low testosterone level has the same effect. Testosterone regulates the sex drive and in some ways the energy levels. There are quite a few symptoms that arise when your T-levels drop, both physically and mentally. You’ll feel tired very often, this is because your sleep will be disturbed, and a brain fog persists throughout your day. All around lower energy levels come in almost all reports. Concentration and memory problems are common, which can affect both your social and professional life. In many cases, low self-esteem, negative thoughts, and depression are recorded. Depression can also be caused by some of the physical factors, such as increased body fat and reduced muscle mass. In a recent study published in The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry discovered and proved the direct connection between inflammation and depression. It is well known that fat cells release hormones that cause inflammation. Ironically, fatty cells in the body also contain an enzyme that transforms testosterone into estrogen. Perhaps you would like a purse to go with your spare tire? ### **How will a high testosterone level benefit you?** Testosterone is quite literally what makes you a man. It defines your ability to gain muscle, lose fat, and recover from your workouts. This is also the hormone that powers your sex drive. But you knew this already. By increasing your testosterone levels, not only will you experience superpowers in the bedroom and the gym, but you will also have a more positive outlook on life, be more energetic, and even have improved cognitive ability! There are also profound benefits to be found in the area of heart health and bone strength. As if that wasn’t enough, testosterone drives your competitiveness and automatically modifies your behavior towards that of an Alpha male. This has obvious implications for the professional career ladder, and your game with the ladies.

Image of Testosterone Guy

Sounds amazing right? ***Here’s how you do it:*** ## Lifestyle changes: ### -Eat Better. Having a balanced diet with fruits and vegetables has a positive effect on testosterone production. Plus, the proteins and whey allow the adrenal glands to keep testosterone levels even. I said it before, and I’ll say it again, [this supplement]( will cover all your bases, and is unstoppable in combo with a healthy diet. ### -Decrease Body Fat. Fat contains an enzyme that transforms testosterone into estrogen, so it’s important to get your percentage lower (unless you’re already at < 10%). It is important for men to have some estrogen, but being obese will shift the balance towards the feminine side, which will essentially kill any results you hope to achieve. ### -Eat Meat Going vegetarian is possibly one of the worst things to do if you want maximal testosterone production. Meat and nuts help the production of testosterone and also the restoration of muscle tissue. Have some peanut butter. Be careful though, since there is research that a high protein/ low carb diet also harms the production of testosterone. A balanced diet is key, I cannot stress that enough. ### -Limit alcohol intake When you drink, your testosterone production is put on the side and halted while the alcohol is being cleared out of your body. After 3 drinks, your testosterone production will be non-existent until all of the alcohol is cleared from your body. You can drink, but be aware of the consequences. ### -Sleep better This one should be obvious, everything works better if you sleep more. Try going to sleep an hour earlier, or starting a nightly ritual an hour before you sleep each night in order to fall asleep faster. I’ll be writing articles on morning and night rituals soon, so stay tuned. You should also invest in a quality pillow if you haven’t already, anything with memory foam will dramatically improve sleep quality. ### -Engage in Competition Engage in competition every once in a while! You will boost testosterone by doing this, especially if you win! This is the reason why sports players are so attractive to women. ### -Masturbate less You may have heard of NoFap online, and tossed the idea away as a modern fad. However, multiple studies have shown that abstaining for one week can increase testosterone levels by 40-60%. This is also logical because a large portion of testosterone is devoted to your sperm and its production. If you no longer need to produce sperm, your testosterone levels spike everywhere else in the body. ## Supplementation: Supplementation is something you can do to make a difference immediately. Supplementation by itself is by no means enough, but it definitely does help. My number one recommendation is [Dr. Schulze's Superfood]( ### -Omega-3 Fatty Acids Strong medical research backs the benefits of Omega-3 Fatty Acids. I use it myself and I find that without it, my moods drop, especially in the winter. A bottle costs less than $20, and for a valuable investment in your health, it’s worth it. [This one]( is the one I use. ### -Multivitamin You should find a multivitamin that says “men”. Don’t take these on an empty stomach, as they can make you more easily nauseous this way. I recommend [this one]( ### -Protein It’s a general rule of thumb that you should be getting enough protein every day, both for testosterone production and for muscle recovery after workouts, but sometimes it’s not possible to get in the right amount every day. That’s where protein powder comes in. Whey protein is the best type on the market, and I personally just mix it with milk. Great for a quick breakfast of a post workout snack. The best types of protein powders contain a long list of amino acids on the back label. You can find an ideal protein powder [here]( If you prefer to have a simple solution to all three bases however, I recommend Dr. Schulze’s Superfood. [This]( is the most powerful supplement on the market, just drink it with juice in the morning, and that’s it. ## Training is KEY! The importance of weight training **cannot** be overestimated. You can also train with Calisthenics, but that is much less effective in terms of the effects on your body. You will lose weight faster, build muscle quicker, and see results sooner if you use weights. If you don’t have a gym membership (or a gym nearby) that’s not a problem, you can buy weights online for low prices. Just dumbbells, a kettle ball, a workout mat, and a pull-up bar should suffice. It would be a lie to say that beginning with training is easy, so start slow with low weight. You can find tutorials for workouts and equipment usage on YouTube, there’s more than enough information out there. You should workout each muscle group (legs, back, abs, chest, arms/shoulders) at least one time a week. I typically do abs and chest together in one day, back and arms the next day, and legs the final day, and then on the fourth day choose one of them at random. I can’t overstate the importance of working out, this is the most essential building block for changing your body. **Here’s the equipment that you will need:** -[Dumbbells]( -[Kettle ball]( -[Workout mat]( -[Pullup bar]( Putting in the effort and working out 3 or 4 times a week will give you results, and will combat the feelings of depression and anxiety that you may be experiencing. It will boost your self-esteem obviously, because you’re going to be a stud. Feel free to come back to this blog for reference or motivation. If you follow through with what I’ve told you and use this information, I can guarantee results. I used to be in the same place as you may be in now, and these tips are from years of trial and error while I attempted to solve this problem for myself. Remember, knowledge without action is useless. Go out there and change your life!
Originally posted here:

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