Monday, July 1, 2019

Healthcare in Ancient China
In ancient China they had a very different health system. People paid a subscription to a doctor. It was the doctor's job to keep his patients healthy. As long as they were healthy, they were required to pay the subscription. If someone became sick - they did not pay their subscription, because the doctor did not do the job they were supposed to do. Maybe he gave bad advice or provided a wrong treatment.

Among other things, this created a system where a person paid while they were healthy and could work, and did not pay when they were weak and sick (and incapable of working). Furthermore, the doctor was rewarded for keeping someone healthy, rather than the system we have, where the doctor is rewarded (paid) when we are sick. Our system has a financial incentive built in to make, or keep people sick. - and we call it a health care system!

I do have to note that the system of medicine practiced was about detecting imbalances in the body and knowing how to take corrective actions to restore balance before disease erupted. Whereas the kind of medicine we have chases symptoms after the imbalances have gone on so long that full blown diseases have erupted. Theirs was based on prevention. Ours is based on symptom repression without real understanding of why they arose. We simply blame a bacteria or a virus - not recognizing that the condition of the body allowed the bacteria and viruses to thrive, rather than killing them off.

Originally posted here:

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