Monday, May 20, 2019

ULOG: Diet Journal - Realizing I Needed To Lose Weight
WooHoo my first Ulog from my new laptop! I'll be writing a Steemit review in the next day or so about that. I cheated a little Sunday.


Not much, a little gravy over my turkey, a sweet potato, some stuffing and a piece of cake. At this point, I'm really trying to get my body used to processing carbohydrates again and eating normal food. Just 5 more days to go. I plan on eating fruits and vegetables for the remainder of the week. For the most part, clean eating. I'm planning on avoiding most processed foods and really cutting down on my fat intake. I'm sitting here enjoying a delicious bean salad! It has been so long since I ate beans! GOD I missed beans!


Three Signs I Needed To Lose Weight

Seeing this diet journal is coming to an end, less than 5 days to go! I thought it would be fun to share a few stories about being 315 lbs and when I realized I might need to drop a little weight.

Broken Chairs

My first sign should have been when I began breaking chairs when I sat. At 315 lbs I was working a street fair for the family retail shop. I sat down on one of those wooden fold-out card table chairs and the thing splintered beneath me! I laughed, it was a little funny. Had I seen it happen to some other fat guy I probably would have laughed too. The people around me laughed, and honestly, looking back, it was probably one of the most embarrassing moments of my life. At the time I didn't think much of it or even considered going on a diet. It really should have been my first clue though. I remember getting up and grumbling, "Cheap chair". This was followed shortly thereafter by shattering a plastic backyard chair while hanging with some friends in the backyard. Again, I laughed as did everyone else, but again I was pretty embarrassed. At this point, the thought crossed my mind, that maybe I need to drop a couple of pounds. Not very long after the plastic backyard chair, I broke the computer chair at work, and a few weeks later my computer chair at home. I ordered another one, and that lasted about 3 months. I was now getting the message loud and clear. "Time to lose some weight there fat boy" was the thought that went through my mind!

Big Boy Shopping

The next clue was clothes shopping. Last spring I went shopping for a new spring jacket and couldn't find one that fit. I ordered a 3x denim jacket from The Gap and my rather large belly protruded from underneath the waistline. I returned it at the mall and stopped at a leather shop looking at new leather jackets. I tried several jackets in 3 and 4 XXL and nothing fit. "Sheesh," I thought, "These sizes must run small" LMAO. Can we say a state of denial!

Health Issues Arising

By the end of last summer, I realized something drastic had to be done. I was no longer in a state of denial. The weight was starting to have considerable effects on my health. I was mowing the lawn one day towards the end of September and one of my neighbors came over to ask me some questions about using an e-cig. This is where my weight gain stemmed from. I packed on about 60 pounds when I quit smoking. I shut off the lawnmower to have a chat with my neighbor, sweat pouring down my face, out of breath, and happy to take a break. He immediately asked if I was OK and when I shook my head yes he asked me about using the e-cig to quit, I looked at him and laughed saying, "Jesus Bob, not to discourage you, but I swear to God I felt better when I smoked." We both had a good laugh, but I was dead serious. This was when I realized I had to do something. I was fat, I was sweating all the time, I was always out of breath, and incredibly tired. Something had to be done because it was obvious I was a prime candidate for a heart attack at 50 years old. Not to mention, I was just plain tired of feeling lousy all the time.

The Dood Discovers Keto

It was at this time that I began reading about ketogenic diets. I did a bunch of research, and by October I began my keto journey. The fat literally felt like it was melting off. I wish I would have kept a journal back then, but by Thanksgiving, I had already lost over 50 pounds. By Christmas, I was in the 220s then put on some weight over the holidays. For the most part, I've been able to maintain my weight since new years. Another reason why I'm trying to get my body adjusted to eating normal food again. It seems the weight comes on just as fast as you lose it if you're not careful getting off of this diet. Although I would have liked to of lost just a little more weight, at this point in my journey, I'm happy with what I've accomplished so far. I'll do my final weigh-in Friday, then try and maintain my weight the best I can till Labor day which is September 2nd. My goal was to get under 200 pounds. It would be nice if I could accomplish this over the summer. Although I'll be off keto, I plan on eating healthy and keeping this weight off. I'm just not going to be such a fanatic about it. At the end of summer, if I'm not under 200 pounds, I'll be going back on keto to try and lose the rest of this weight by New Years. That pretty much sums up my weight loss journey from start to finish. Currently weighing 232 pounds and I seriously feel soooooo much better. I'm really happy I decided to drop this weight. Although Friday marks the end of severe dieting and intermittent fasting, I'll be making it a priority to maintain my weight, and never allow myself to get that heavy again! Thanks for reading, and thanks for following along on this journey with me :)

This post was made from

Originally posted here:

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