Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Goodbye cancer, hello life

I'm sitting at one of my usual lunch-time haunts, *Seasonal*, on the Norwood Parade right now after just having completed that tasty-looking plate of food you see pictured. Yes, pretty healthy right? Toasted rye bread topped with smashed pumpkin, roasted onions and almonds, kale, broccoli and a couple of poached eggs. Whilst eating I was thinking about a topic to write about and decided, considering the healthy lunch I was eating, to talk about health...Mine, and others. https://files.steempeak.com/file/steempeak/galenkp/yeTjJd05-20190522_122721_2.jpg As some of you may know my mother in law has just undergone a six month course of chemotherapy. She was diagnosed with cancer and after the initial operation has undergone this intensive process which has not been the easiest of times for her. She's handled it quite well considering, and no small help towards that has been my wife who has pretty-much dropped everything else in life except caring for her mum. She would have done so regardless however having lost her dad when she was eleven, also to cancer, I think has made her even more determined to *be there* for her mum. As it should be. Last week her mum underwent her post-chemo scan and testing with the results coming through this week. I'm pleased to say that she has come through with an *all clear* report which was cause for some celebration this week. She is really pleased, as is my wife who has had quite a torrid time over the course of this entire process. My mother in law will have to undergo three-monthly tests for the next year and then six-monthly and it'll not be until after five years of being clear will she be pronounced as totally clear however the result couldn't have been better! We have not really done much in the way of celebration to mark the great result yet although we will do something soon as a sort of *thing*, you know, to draw it to a close. Also, we have a trip to New Zealand planned for later in the year which we are taking her on. She hasn't travelled overseas before so it'll be a big experience for her. We will be doing a little helicopter expedition to Mt Earnslaw Burn and landing on a glacier, plus a jet boat ride, cruise on Milford Sound, a glow worm tunnel tour and loads of other stuff so I think she'll have a good time and feel comfortable doing it as we will be there also. Anyway, we're really pleased about this *all clear* result and I thought it would be a good time to thank those of you who sent messages throughout the time. I passed them all on and she is grateful for them all. So, thank you. https://files.steempeak.com/file/steempeak/galenkp/SqHMsNT9-20190522_132503_2.jpg A little while ago, January this year, I had my own little issue and I'm pleased also to report that everything is on track now through a little hard work on my part, my doctors and the operation I had last week. So...Tough shit, you gotta put up with me for a little while longer! Just kidding...In truth things for me are well on track and should stay that way for some time to come...So it's happy days all around! I write about life a little here and there, about living your best version of it, and whilst that resonates with some, others are not so interested. I get it...Death seems so distant and somewhat uncomfortable to talk about for many, but it's really not, distant. I could be killed crossing the street from this cafe to my car today you know. It happens. As @ginnyannete said in reply to one of my recent posts: >*"The average intelligent human goes through an existential crisis at some point...That is the turning point where in we decide what is really important in life"* She's a smart cookie! Nicely said *ginnyannette* and I agree completely. However could there be something to gain by not waiting for that crisis to come before changes are made? I mean, we *know* it can happen so why not head it off at the pass? Hmm, probably because human's live in hope. Hope that *it* doesn't happen to them...But it does. You know. Happen. Anyway, my mother in law is sticking around for a while and so am I and I think that's a pretty awesome result to achieve for this week. *** **_Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default_** Hit me up on Discord: @galenkp#9209 P.s. Ok...So I caved in and bought a cheese cake as well...I needed something to go with my coffee...😈 Some of our NZ festivities: ***Mt Earnslaw heliworks*** ***Shotover jetboat*** ***Milford Sound*** ***Fiordland National Park*** ***Glow worms*** ***Queenstown Gondola*** ***Taieri Gorge Railway***
Originally posted here: https://steemit.com/life/@galenkp/goodbye-cancer-hello-life

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