Thursday, May 23, 2019

Chicory and its benefits


A perennial plant with a direct herbaceous stem up to 120 cm high, with bright blue flowers, less often, pink. This culture grows in India, South and North America, Eurasia, Australia, in North Africa. In our region, it is very common in the western part of Russia, in Siberia, Altai and the Caucasus. In nature, chicory is found in meadows, farmland, roads, often taken as a weed. But chicory is also a common and healthy crop. In Russia, it is grown since 1880. There are two types of chicory: lettuce and common chicory, whose root can reach up to fifteen meters long and is the most useful part of the plant. Common chicory is popularly known as "Petrov's bath". How to choose coffee substitute - it is dried, crushed and roasted chicory roots. The color and taste of chicory is similar to natural coffee. It is sold in an airtight and closed container, which guarantees its safety in dry and without lumps. In the store you can buy chicory with various herbal supplements: sea buckthorn, ginseng, lemongrass, stevia, cinnamon, dogrose and others. A chicory of poor quality will be wet, petrified or with falling tufts. The selected chicory root should be slightly brown and dry. You can also check the quality and the finished drink. It is visually very similar to ground coffee, but does not require sweetening, as it contains inulin, which is a fructose polymer. How to store The soluble chicory is stored in a hermetically sealed container, preferably glass, which does not allow moisture to enter. Look for the shelf life in the package. Calorie Chicory It has 17 kcal in its raw form, 8 kcal of protein, 2 kcal of fat, 8 kcal of carbohydrates. The composition and availability of nutrients. Chicory root contains 50-60% inulin, a valuable polysaccharide, which is a substitute for sugar, starch. It also contains vitamin C, carotene, pectin, vitamins of group B (B1, B2, B3), macro and microelements, organic acids and proteins, resins, which are necessary for the human body. Chicory has long been considered a valuable plant crop, and has gained a well-deserved popularity in traditional healing medicine. Even in ancient Rome, people used chicory as a preventive measure and to cure a variety of diseases of the digestive tract, and in Egypt, as an antidote against the bites of spiders and snakes. Avicenna used it to improve digestion, cure gout and inflammation of the eyes. Chicory, which contains a lot of useful nutrients, and nowadays is widely used in the industry of medicine and food. It is especially necessary for patients with diabetes, since inulin, which is part of it, is a natural substitute for sugar. With a small amount of carbohydrates and a large amount of fiber contained in the root of chicory, this plant is effectively used in the diet menu of these patients. The root of chicory, thanks to inulin, which is a natural bifidostimulator, restores the intestinal microflora, has a positive effect on the digestive system, normalizes the metabolism of the human body. Effective in the prevention and treatment of gastritis, dysbacteriosis, stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcer, diseases of the gallbladder, liver. Due to the potassium content in chicory, the work of the heart is normalized, the rhythm slows down, the vessels dilate and the excess cholesterol is eliminated. As part of chicory, there is no harmful caffeine, a chemical compound present in tea and coffee, and it is contraindicated in patients with cardiovascular diseases, so its root is a good substitute for coffee. The iron contained in chicory is necessary in the treatment of tachycardia, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, anemia, increases hemoglobin in a short time, eliminates anemia. In addition, chicory root contains intibin glycoside, which acts effectively on the central nervous system and relieves tachycardia. Chicory is effective for weight loss, as an additional measure in the transition to limit nutrition and physical activity. With diuretic properties and fat burning, chicory normalizes the fluid balance in the body and contributes to the elimination of toxins. Medicines containing chicory have anti-inflammatory, anthelmintic, choleretic and antipyretic properties. Chicory has been used for a long time as a means for external use in the treatment of skin diseases: furunculosis, psoriasis, allergic dermatitis, eczema, acne, vitiligo, etc. The mixture of juices of chicory, carrot, celery and parsley has a beneficial effect on the strengthening of the muscular system of the eyes and improves their nutrition, improves the quality of vision. In cosmetology In the cosmetic industry based on chicory, shampoos and rinses are released that promote growth and improve hair structure. To lose weight, a good effect is achieved by drinking chicory 30 minutes before a meal. Dissolve 2 tablespoons of chicory in a glass of warm or cold water. The bitter taste of the drink reduces the taste and causes a satisfying hunger sensation. In the kitchen The chicory completely reveals all its medicinal qualities, if in 500 ml of water add 2 tablespoons of ground root and boil for ten minutes. An even more useful beverage is obtained by adding milk or cream. The salad leaves of chicory are used in the preparation of fresh salads or as a separate accompaniment for meat and fish dishes. Before dissolving ground chicory in a small amount of warm water with milk or just water, it can be added to the homemade pastry to obtain a pleasant color, aroma and a delicious nutty and coffee flavor. Eating foods that contain chicory is good for adults, children and even pregnant women. First, it is necessary to abandon chicory for people with vascular diseases, varicose veins, bronchitis, chronic cough, asthma, hemorrhoids. Ascorbic acid can cause an allergic reaction and insomnia, depression or neurasthenia can occur in people with an unstable mentality. The use of products with chicory should be reasonable: after all, the accumulation in the body of even very useful and necessary substances in large quantities creates an imbalance that will lead to the opposite of the desired result. Remember that everything must always be in moderation.

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