Wednesday, May 8, 2019

101 Best Superfoods
Hey everyone. This will be a series of the 101 best superfoods out there. The term superfoods gets tossed around all over the place. It is a bit of a marketing tool that can trick people into thinking that they are eating healthy. This series of posts is more concerned about eating real. whole foods and their benefits, as opposed to looking into the latest diet fad. When it comes to eating food, whole foods are your best bet. It is also a good idea to buy local, in season foods as well. This could be from your local farmer's market, or just be knowing which foods grow best during which seasons. Now lets get to today's superfood...

Today's superfood is Cherries. Cherries have some great health benefits from helping to ease pain of arthritis and gout to reducing risk factors for heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers. Compared to sweet cherries, tart/sour cherries are higher in vitamins and minerals, but both types provide disease fighting antioxidants, including beta-carotene and vitamin C. Cherries supply potassium, which is essential for healthy blood pressure, and soluble fiber which helps lower cholesterol and regulate blood sugar. Cherries also contain melatonin which has been found to help regulate the body's natural sleep pattern and aid with jet lag. It may even play a role in preventing memory loss and delaying the aging process.

Most fresh cherries are available from May through August. Choose brightly colored, shiny, and plump cherries without blemishes. Store unwashed cherries in a plastic bag in the refrigerator. Cherries with stems tend to last longer, but plan to use any cherries within a few days. Dried cherries are available in sweet and sour varieties but may contain added sugar. Sweet cherries are best eaten fresh. Try adding some to you next salad. Some tart cherries are too sour to eat raw, but make excellent sauces, pies, relishes and preserves. Whether you like sweet or tart, dried or juiced, fresh or frozen, or even canned, cherries pack a powerful nutritional punch in a small package of flavor. Sweet cherries make an ideal snack or dessert. Eat up knowing that they are good for your health. Well that is all for now. Thanks for reading. I hope you learned something new and I will see you again soon.
Originally posted here:

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