Saturday, July 13, 2019

Working in the CBD, Hard to be healthy?
**So my first week of work is over.** **Healthy eating can be hard**, especially when working in the city and on a very small diet. But it's not hard, so many places now offer some great alternatives. I was able to find a soup place just down stairs in my building that actually have great soup options (full of veggies) and enjoyed a mushroom soup. I was also able to find a 24hr Pizza place in the city on my walk to work that serves breakfast, you can buy individual items (Eggs $3.50 and Mushrooms $1.50) which mean $5 for breakfast, sounds pretty good right? well it gets better because I can't eat the whole thing so I split it into lunch too and made it $2.50 a serve. You really do need to watch some of the traps tho, people who can currently eat a full menu can easily be trapped into thinking something is health, EG a local cafe I observed making a "Salad roll" for a customer it looked amazing, but when you break it down it had white bread, heaps of butter, full fat mayonnaise, it then had a tomato chutney (high in sugar), and also had fatty meat, while it appeared healthy on the outside (and certainly has better properties than a big mac, it also had the same level of calories with the cheese also added in)
My first week of working is down post surgery, no issues, no complications, I have not lost any weight in the last 4 days (But that's not of any concern to me now) I am getting better, drinking MUCH more fluid and signed up to a gym this week. Going really well and I look forward to when my Gym opens Aug 3 to starting the next phase in my journey. Stay Awesome Peeps Paul
Originally posted here:

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