Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Why Can't I Love You...[Salad?!]

*In a dog-eat-dog world, where survival of the fittest wins, there are a surprisingly large number of contestants for the **Darwin Awards**. While I'm not actively trying to off myself, I could be doing a LOT more towards my betterment.. if only I could get myself to enjoy a few things more than I currently do..* *Learn about yet another great thing that I just can't seem to get excited about in my ongoing series..*

*Why Can't I Love You..?!*

Copy of Why Can't I love you.. salad_.png

[src](https://kittygalorious.wordpress.com/2015/05/15/50-shades-of-creepy-chapter-the-third/) Check in with any physician, dietician, or random fitness buff, and they'll tell you that the key to maintaining a healthy happy body is a good diet. As nutritionists will let you know, central to any good diet is variety.. especially garden variety.. Unfortunate news for me.. I avoid green leafy vegetables like the plague. It's not just the *if you don't eat your peas, you won't get any dessert* kind of aversion.. I'm an adult now, so I don't have anyone black-mailing me to make healthier dining choices. But I genuinely can't seem to find any enjoyment in crunching on green rabbit chow that taste like cardboard.. https://media.boingboing.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/1600px-Stack_of_romaine_lettuce_heads.jpg [src](https://boingboing.net/2018/11/21/cdc-dont-eat-romaine-lettuc.html) I *know* it's healthy.. and I would probably be Arnold Schwarzenegger and Gwyneth Paltrow's love child if I reveled in it. But alas, a budding romance with romaine alludes me. The stuff comes from the dirt, and that's what it tastes like.. to me. To make matters worse, I live in Thailand, where it is easy to go complete carnivore if you want to, as is my tendency. I gorge on meat, feasting until full, and any vegetable that happens to land on my plate, is usually brushed aside and then scraped into the trash compactor after the meal is over. http://healthextension.co/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/no-salad.png
[The only place a salad should be tossed is the garbage][src](http://healthextension.co/dangers-of-clean-living/)
So oh well, if it condemns me to a life with a gut and a fast track to an early grave, so be it.. I'm NOT going near green leafy vegetables anytime soon!.. Well, I mean, I guess if I *really* try, I can think of *some* salads that I would consider eating.. *..potato salad, pasta salad, egg salad..* Yeah, I'm screwed..
Originally posted here: https://steemit.com/health/@striderpunk/why-can-t-i-love-you-salad

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