Monday, July 15, 2019

The vaccine Causes Autism - Robert De Niro

Robert De Niro

That briliant and one of the most popular Hollywood actor, has an autistic son. Consequently, as co-founder of the Tribeca Film Festival, he supported a documentary film based on the evidence of Dr. Andrewa Wakefield, a physician who was discredited after being released to the public with evidence that the vaccine caused autism, after which De Niro then held an open discussion of the causes of autism. But a massive media storm forced de Niro within two days to cast on his knees. He had to withdraw the film from the festival on Easter, which clearly illustrates the intimidating propaganda directed against 'healthy' reason.
> *From 1988 to 2008, according to Wikipedia, 5625 people sued the United States because they were able to prove that the vaccine caused the disease of autism in children.Some have been compensated, some have not. The vast majority of people which children has autism do not recognize the possibility of vaccination as a cause. Robert De Niro wanted to stimulate the debate on the vaccine as a possible casue, but encountered the terribble undemocratic methods of discrediting " free thought". He pulled Dr. Wakefield's documentary from the festival beocuse he apparently did not want to end up being an author of a film that was subjected to great persecution after the release of the evidence.*


# Does the Vaccine cause Autism? Discussion of whether the vaccine is causing autism or is it just a speculation, would be quite different if objective news was not denied to the public. In fact, it is shocking and unbelievable how much the media are shaping news that is not in line with corporate scientific scams, and this is another indication that the pharmaceutical industry does absolutely everything that the truth does not come to a large number of public. Hidden documents that have been removed from the public for more than 20 years confirm that the MMR vaccine against mumps, measles and rubella, which has found its place in a mandatory vaccination schedule, is actually causing autism; and the supervisors, directors, pharmacists and the authorities of the countries are very much acquainted with it.
Namely, after the application for a document was issued in England, according to the low on the right of information, the English Ministry of Health was forced to issue confidental documents, in which we can see details of original approval of this vaccine from 1980's. These documents have shown that the widely-spread vaccine which was owned by the largest vaccine manufacturers, Glaxo Smith Kline, causes side effects such as encephalitis(brain inflammation) and autism. Further more there are evidence which clearly prove that manufacturor had known about it and did nothing! > *Concerned that the British Government deliberately retains information far from the public eye about the MMR vaccine, the FIOA (Freedom of Information Act) filed a request for these documents. And they did so because it was noticed that a large number of vaccinated children were increasingly affected by intestinal diseases, the disease of the brain and autism that had previously been associated with this vaccine.*


Addmited by Authorities, Hidden from Public
> *Rubella (congenital rubella syndrome) is one of the rarely proven autism causes, said Dr. Walter A. Orenstein, a former assistant surgeon and director of the National Immunization Program in 2002, in a letter to the UK's Chief Medical Officer, Chief Operating Officer of the Department for health.*
> *The rubella virus is one of the few known causes of autism," CDC said on its web site under FAQ's about MMR vaccines and autism.*
You will not hear about this in mass media, but the Federal Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has again secretly admitted that the MMR vaccine (a combination of measles, mumps and rubella) is really causing autism. In a recent release, fully censored for publicity, Ryan received hundreds of thousands of dollars after it was verified that the MMR vaccine led to a confirmed diagnosis of encephalitis and later on autism, according to Huffington Post. > Ten-year-old Ryan Moybi was first ill of encephalopathy (brain inflammation) a few days after receiving a dose of MMR vaccine in 2003, and was subsequently diagnosed with autism."Ryan suffered an injury from the law of a particular vaccine - which is an encephalitis within five to fifteen days of receiving the vaccine," the US Department of Health and Social Welfare"


# Conclusion I have just mentioned a few examples where quite a relevant individuals and institutions give their recognition of the causes of autism. Personally I find it unbelievable that there are people who know about the consequences of the vaccine and are silent about it. Is this a new form of eugenics, natural selection where only the strongest survive? As they are trying to impose theses that autism, diabetes and simular problems are result of genetical predisposition i personaly don't buy that shit. The point is, if you don't wake up in near future we are fucked, we need mass to start acting, individuals ain't strong enough to fight against mass media and big corporation.
Originally posted here:

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