Thursday, July 11, 2019

Study: Fruit Juice Is Just as Bad as Soda - [Are You Surprised?] Source
Do you like a nice tall glass of OJ in the morning? A recent study shows that drinking too much fruit juice may not be as good as you may think...And here everyone thought soda was the only culprit. Not according to this article, as the BMJ found that: >Drinking large amounts of fruit juice may raise your risk of cancer, according to a big study which has found a link between the regular consumption of all kinds of sugary drinks and the likelihood of developing the disease.
The study, carried out in France, is the first substantial piece of research to find a specific association between sugar and cancer. Sugary drinks such as colas, lemonade and energy drinks have been linked to obesity, which is a cause of cancer, but the French researchers suggest there could also be other reasons sugar could trigger it. Source
A lot of research has been done trying to link sugar and cancer together. However, many think that fruit juice is healthy. Unfortunately, now science is showing that fruit juice and soda are just as bad for you. It's the sugar, baby! The article stated: >The study, published in the BMJ, finds the association with cancer is just as strong with fruit juices as it is with colas. 'When the group of sugary drinks was split into 100% fruit juices and other sugary drinks, the consumption of both beverage types was associated with a higher risk of overall cancer,' it says. Source
The sugar content in fruit juice is rather high, especially since fruit itself is rather sweet and has its own natural sugars, not to mention most processed juices contain extra or added sugar. So, what the researchers advise is that "the recommendation from several public health agencies is to consume less than one drink per day. If you consume from time to time a sugary drink it won’t be a problem, but if you drink at least one glass a day it can raise the risk of several diseases – here, maybe cancer, but also with a high level of evidence, cardiometabolic diseases.' This study doesn't directly link sugar to cancer, but it does show that after time it can promote cancer. The article stated that this study is purely observational. However, it makes a lot of sense that overdoing it and drinking lots of sugary beverages, including fruit juice, can increase the risk of disease and other health problems. Drink wisely, after all, your body is a temple and a gift from God.

Note: All images not cited are my own or created by me. ### Be well! ---

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