Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Sport is Health: Take care of your joints

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Healthy life

No one doubts that practicing sport is good for your health. In fact, in recent years there has been an increase in the number of people over the age of 40 who are more concerned about their health and begin to adopt healthier training and eating routines. The benefits of a healthy life, with a balanced diet and moderate physical activity are more than proven, both in terms of health, delaying aging and improving quality of life. However, before acquiring the habit of practising sport every week, it must be borne in mind that intense exercise when we are not accustomed to practising it also has health risks. Faced with this, it is advisable to undergo a prior sports medical check-up with an effort test and seek advice from a physical education professional to adapt the pattern to your physical condition and health.




To take care of joints, muscles and tendons we should combine aerobic sport with strength and weight exercises to improve the tone and endurance of tendons and ligaments and thus strengthen our joints and musculoskeletal system. Stretching and warming up should also be part of the usual exercise routine, mainly as a prevention of these injuries, adds the specialist who indicates that a biomechanical study and the adequacy of the type of exercise (both in intensity and duration) will also avoid unnecessary overloads that can end our desire to continue doing sport.


What other help?

This should improve as we add days of exercise, so that over time is reduced to the typical discomfort of the first 2 km. However, if the pain worsens when running it is important to stop practicing sports and go to the doctor. In addition to good habits before, during and after physical exercise, there are substances on the market that can help us prevent and recover from joint injuries, such as tablets, solutions or topical creams with collagen, hyaluronic acid, magnesium, etc. Finally, the most important thing is to enjoy the sport that is practiced, without thinking that we should win races, go below 45 minutes in the 10 km, or perform three marathons a year. "The future of running does not pass by the increase of the already over-saturated world of popular races, but in using it as a tool to improve our health, lengthen the years of life and, above all, lengthen the quality of life to our years.

Dr. Leopoldo Maizo - Orthopedic Surgeon

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