Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Salute your Health | DIY Power Up! Cacao Protein Boost

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Breakfast has to be my favorite meal of the day. How about you? It’s funny because I seriously look forward to getting up each morning, enjoying a hot cup of tea and making breakfast.

*Maybe it’s because I spent all of those years missing breakfast?*

*** > All I know is that I love taking the time to start my day in a healthy way. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve always enjoyed my morning runs, starting out early around 5:30 but eating wasn’t a top priority. ***

I know….wrong!

*** >Family first, then if I had time….me! So that’s why I’m having a ball, creating new healthy morning treats which I love to share with you! Quick and easy, eating well doesn’t have to be time consuming. A little bit of pre-planning for the week and you’re good to go! Protein Shakes, Juices, and smoothies are so easy and everyone loves a great morning shake right? *It feels a bit decadent having a cold creamy shake for breakfast, lol* *** >I always add additional protein to all of my smoothies and shakes. Proteins help satisfy the appetite, and make us feel fuller longer. Protein powders and supplements are so costly! As I researched the nutritional content for most of the ingredients I add to my smoothies each morning I realized the protein I add to my smoothie is equal or more than the protein included in many protein powders! Wow! 12-14 grams per serving! Even better, no added artificial ingredients, sugars and preservatives! ***

So I thought, hey why not make my own?

### *I grabbed my favorite smoothie adds to check out just how much protein these tasty ingredients bring to my smoothie:*

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* Almonds: I make almond milk and then use the pulp to make almond meal! 2 for the price of 1, quite a bang for your buck! Almonds contain 6 grams protein and 3.5 grams of fiber per oz.[]( * Hemp Seeds: 2-3 tbsp. of hemp seeds contains 11 grams of protein.[]( * Chia Seeds: 4 grams of protein per oz. * Moringa Powder: 1 tbsp. of Moringa Powder contains 4 grams of protein. *** >One protein commonly found in protein powders is whey protein. Whey protein is found in milk, so if you want to include this in your protein mix feel free to add powdered milk to your protein mix. I prefer a plant based protein mix and instead add almond milk to my smoothies. ***

Easy as 1, 2, 3…

Superfood Cacao Protein Smoothie!

### *My Mix* * Almond Meal (2/3 cup) * Hemp Hearts Seed (1/3 cup) * Chia Seed (1/3 cup) * Moringa Powder (2 tbsp.) * Organic Cacao Powder (4 tbsp.) * Maca Powder (2 tbsp.) *** *** >Both Maca and Moringa powders are two of my favorites. Not only does Moringa contain protein but it’s full of anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory nutrients. []( Maca is also packed with vitamins and nutrients but some believe it may help memory function and learning. []( ***

Blend both the Hemp Hearts…

and Chia seeds individually into a fine powder.

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Now combine everything …

In your favorite bowl. Love the colors!

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Store, tightly covered…

in your refrigerator. If you’re like me, it won’t last long!

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Just a scoop or two will do! A perfect morning Smoothie!

Ripe banana and fresh blueberries straight from the freezer, avocado, coconut yogurt, spinach, almond milk and we’re set!

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*** >This protein mix works for me, feel free to mix and match your own superfood powders! No sugar adds, just nature’s sugar from fresh fruits and vegetables. And, save a few dollars making it yourself! It’s a wonderful way to start your morning! I would love to hear about your favorite smoothie adds! Thanks for stopping in today! *** *And as always, blessings to you all!* ***







The STEEM Engine](

Originally posted here:

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