Saturday, July 13, 2019

Nuts and their benefits.
The community of @steemit, the nut is used in cooking, traditional medicine and industrial production. The nut is one of the highest in calories: 630-670 kcal per 100 grams. Despite the high energy value, nutritionists advise to include it in the diet. [source](


The chemical composition of the nut includes all the necessary nutrients: vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, E, C, K, PP, Omega-3; amino and polyunsaturated fatty acids - cystine, asparagine, valine, glutamine; linolínico, gallic, ellagic, oleic, palmitic and folic; Macro and microelements: phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sodium, calcium, zinc, manganese and iron. The daily use of walnut helps to cope with heart, brain and liver diseases. The therapeutic effect is not only the nucleus. Shells, partitions, leaves and walnut oil are useful and applicable in home medicine. The magnesium and omega-3 of the nut improve brain function, helping to deal with large mental loads. For the development of memory and intelligence in a child, walnut fatty acids are important. The nut improves metabolism and gastrointestinal function. Because fiber improves metabolism and stomach function. Disturbed digestive functions return to normal, the manifestations of dysbiosis and constipation are relieved. The nut provides a healthy metabolism; As a result, the risk of obesity is reduced. The vitamin E and Omega-3 of the walnut prevent the development of type II diabetes and reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood. Walnut oil "inhibits" the formation of malignant cells. Therefore, nuts should be used by those who have diagnosed cancer or have a predisposition to oncology. Iron regulates hemoglobin levels, preventing the development of anemia - anemia. The disease occurs with a lack of iron. The nut strengthens the skeleton. A child's body needs calcium to form a skeleton correctly. A large amount of calcium - 99 mg per 100 g. Strengthens bones and teeth This also applies to an adult. The nut reduces the manifestation of cardiovascular diseases. Thanks to the acids and magnesium, the pressure and the work of the cardiac muscle normalize and the walls of the blood vessels become stronger. Walnut must also be used to prevent atherosclerosis. The nut improves the general welfare. The nut affects the physical and psychological state of a person. The feelings of vigor, energy, fatigue, depression, stress and insomnia disappear. The nut has an anti-inflammatory effect. Strengthens the immune system and fights infections. Poor ecology, lack of vitamins and minerals, stress and chronic diseases adversely affect the health of men. Regular consumption of nuts increases potency, prevents the development of prostatitis and adenoma. Zinc has a positive effect on the development of the sex glands in young men, controls the level of testosterone and the work of the prostate in mature men. For men facing the problem of impotence, there are many recipes based on nuts. We will give a universal recipe for the treatment of the main male diseases: prostatitis, impotence and adenoma. Frequent nut consumption has a positive effect on hormones. Doctors recommend the product to women who have suffered great losses of blood: after surgery, delivery or heavy menstruation. Women should use nuts in violation of the menstrual cycle and menstrual pain. The macro and microelements included in the walnut composition improve the condition of the hair, nails and skin. Regular use prevents the appearance of breast cancer, helps in the fight against infertility and normalizes the activity of the sexual glands. Women who follow the figure, nutritionists advise eating nuts. They reduce appetite and satisfy hunger, allowing you to maintain a normal weight.

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