Monday, July 1, 2019

Marijuana - The Healing Weed - Health and Healing
This actually follows on from my post on [Dementia]( I was talking to @jamerussell, as I often do and he asked me whether marijuana would help protect against/treat dementia. So, I went down this new rabbit hole and found out that yes, it is good for preventing alzheimer's. Given the many other mental effects the "drug" has, it seems reasonable to figure that it's likely to help prevent LBD (Lewy Body Dementia) as well. ### My neighbor's story I have a neighbor with many health issues including many food allergies, and several auto-immune illnesses including lupus. She was telling me just this evening that using marijuana has changed her life. It used to be that to travel anywhere, she had to have a whole bag of various medications just to keep her going while she was away. Now that she's taking marijuana medicinally, she only needs to take a couple meds with her when she travels. Some of her doctors had mostly given up on her, but one doctor suggested she start taking marijuana - even though we live in Wyoming, which does not allow medical marijuana. Even when fighting her ex in a custody battle - which has meant lots of involvement with social services - when they learn of her "one bad habit" they don't bat an eye. What makes her healthy is what's important. This is great news because as I've read more and more about the benefits of marijuana, the more I think I need to start using it myself. Anyway, here's a little graphic I created to go into my notebook about diseases and herbs to treat/prevent them.


(_[Image source: Tony Dejak, AP]( - used for educational purposes_) When listing strains, I was considering my personal family needs which include my husband's diabetes and my fatigue issues, but there's lots of information out there, so do your research. Unfortunately, my husband currently works in a place where he would lose his job were he to start taking marijuana, but I can see that in the future we could both benefit. If/when I get the chance to try, I will let you know how it goes. Crossposted at Steem, Whaleshares, WeKu, Hyperspace Past issues of Health and Healing ## Wild Healing * [Arrowleaf Balsamroot](, ## Disease Prevention/Healing * [Dementia]( ## Herbal Medicine *** *** *** ### Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor. I am a solver of problems. I do the best I can to research and come up with possibilities that you may find useful, but I cannot diagnose your medical issue, nor can I tell you the best way to handle your situation. If in doubt, seek professional assistance. When turning to nature, especially in the wild, you must take all responsibility to do due diligence. Using the wrong plant/herb/fungi can be extremely harmful or even fatal. When in doubt, seek experienced help. Note that identical plants/fungi found in a different country may be very different. ***
**Lori Svensen** author/designer at **[A'mara Books](** photographer/graphic artist for **[Viking Visual](** verified author on [Goodreads]( find me on [Twitter]( blogging on: [Steem](, [Whaleshares](, [WeKu](, [Hyperspace](, [Publish0x]( *** [

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