Thursday, July 11, 2019



What if there was something you could do daily to dramatically improve the tone, texture, and overall condition of your skin? There is, and it is getting into a simple daily juicing habit! No beauty product will ever compare to renewing your skin from the inside out. What we put in and on our our body is reflected in our skin, and the benefits of juicing for your skin are so plentiful. Juicing organic fruit, vegetables, leafy greens, and fresh herbs helps you get the nutrients your body needs to flush out unwanted toxins and help with everything skin related from acne to anti-aging. Eating a large quantity of living whole foods coupled with a daily juicing habit and natural, non-toxic skincare will give you glowing skin for sure. Juicing living foods are great for the skin, and this juice is truly medicinal. Think of it as a prescription for beauty, weight loss, energy, and improved skin. It is a simple, well rounded juice that incorporates fruit, vegetables, and herbs for maximum glowy effects. Want to maximize your results? Have 32 to 64 oz of fresh juice daily. *it is extremely important to buy organic especially when juicing. Avoid pesticides as much as you can. If you know the source of where your produce is coming from, and it is organic and pesticide free, feel free to leave some of the dirt on. The microorganisms in the soil help keep the microorganisms in your body healthy too. INGREDIENTS 3 small apples (I used gala, but whatever is your favorite) 4 to 6 large carrots 5 to 7 celery stalks 1 to 2 large lemons (peeled, but keeping as much white pith as possible) 1/2 to 1 inch of fresh ginger 1 large cucumber 1 to 2 large beets + beet greens if available Push ingredients through a juicer and enjoy immediately. Or store in a glass jar with lid in the fridge to drink throughout the day. Yields approximately 20 to 32 oz. depending on the size of your produce.


WHY IS THIS JUICE GOOD FOR YOUR SKIN? Apple - Wonderful for cleansing the liver and gallbladder to keep toxins flowing out of the body. Carrot - Powerful antioxidant properties, high in vitamins A and C. Slows down aging, and cell degeneration. Keeps acne at bay. Celery - Cleanses, detoxifies, alkalizes. Very mineral rich, and essential for beautiful skin, hair, and nails. Lemon - High in Vitamin C, B vitamins, purifies the blood, cleanses the kidneys, rids the body of unwanted toxins. Keeps skin tissue tight and toned. Ginger - Great herb for circulation, blood flow, expands the blood vessels, reduces inflammation and acne. Boosts immune system, and contains magnesium, potassium, manganese, B6, and vital antioxidants. Cucumber - Provides hydration, promotes weightless, excellent source of silica (the beauty mineral), reduces inflammation, puffiness and dry irritated skin conditions. Beets - Cleanses the blood, cleanses the liver of skin harming toxins. Rich in minerals, provides a large detoxification to the systems in the body. Provides beautifying “internal makeup” to the skin. *in addition to drinking fresh juice daily, try adding in one gallon of pure water daily to see skin issues clear up, reduce dryness, and add glow. If you truly implement 32 to 64 oz. of fresh vegetable juices (like this one) to your day, plus drinking a gallon of water, I guarantee you will see a difference in your skin. Cheers to health! FOR MORE INFORMATION, WATCH HERE:
Originally posted here:

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