Friday, July 19, 2019

Fermented Beets for a Healthy Poop! [@Naturalmedicine food challenge]
[Let Food Be Thy Medicine](, the new challenge hosted by the @naturalmedicine crew asks us to explore how we use food to heal/treat illness of the body/mind. The old adage goes, "You are what you eat." Eating healthy foods which support a well-rounded diet can help relieve the symptoms of many chronic diseases while also being curative and preventative in keeping a person from falling ill. One of my last videos went fairly in depth about several paths I followed using food as medicine in order to alleviate some of the issues I face with Fibromyalgia. Another issue I combat with food as medicine is inconsistent stools (diarrhea). The battlefield is my colon and I've been fighting the enemy with a nutrient-dense super packed punch from fermented beets. These little soldiers fight with all the glory of Beettopia and bring honor to their predecessors. Join me in today's video as I discuss how I used beets to help me poop well for the first time in ages. ___ ___ #
*PALPABLE POPE Ypyskypo Skwyrl, the Y's Cat-herder aka Chief Bigstick
High Priest, Church of Erin Erisian Ataxia Troupe : Caste of the Black Star*

Originally posted here:

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