Friday, July 19, 2019

Burn the Belly Fat and get in the Best Shape of Your Life: Article 4 of 4- Belly Fat Burning Foods

 Ok Champion,

So this is Part 4 of our series to burn the belly fat and get in the best shape of your life.  Now, we've already gone through how to follow the LAW in your morning fat Buster drink, we've gone through the top down bottom up cleanse system, we've gone through the belly fat blaster workout system to get you in the best shape of your life.  

And today we're going to look at what is the best fuel for your body. 

The number of times I have heard it all over the years:  High carb, low fat, low carb, high fat, paleo diet, this diet that diet, blah blah blah. 

Before we get into all that craziness, let's just take a few seconds and take a little journey over to common sense corner, where we're going to ask you a few questions and I'm going to give you a few answers.  Then I'm going to give you a video to watch and you can make your own decisions from there.  

So let's get into it.  

Over here in common sense corner, here is your first question:  

What are the largest land based animals on the planet?  

If you guessed elephants, you are probably correct.  

Question number 2: 

What are the animals with the densest, strongest skeletons on the planet? 

Now, if you guessed the gorillas, or buffaloes or elephants again, you'd be right.  

Here is Question 3:  It's a tricky one guys. 

What do these animals primarily eat?

And for all you gym junkies going out there saying,  “Hey, you need 180 grams of protein brah to stay fit.”,  here's a very polite fuck off, no you don't. 

For those animals, the biggest & strongest with the the biggest muscles and strongest skeletons, at least 95% of their diet is plant based.  

In fact, if you look at panda bears, they eat bamboo, that's it! 

If you look at gorillas, its bamboo & leaves; plant matter.  

If you look at elephants, again, they eat plants.   

No steaks for those big bull elephants that stand in the middle of the road and dare the people in their 4 wheel drives to try and drive past them. If you look at rhinos hippopotamus, they are all plant based eaters.  

Now, CLICK HERE and watch the video.  

Here's something really cool that you're going to see.  

Have you ever seen a lion or a tiger chase and charge a truck?  

No, they are pussies.  

But you've seen videos of Rhinos head butting trucks right? 

Don't mess with those bad asses.  

Would you rather have a fight with a tiger or would you rather have a fight with a gorilla?  

I know which one I'd back myself on.  

I reckon I could get a few punches on a tiger before it ripped my throat out  but I don't know if I could punch out a gorilla before he ripped off my arm and beat me to death with it. 

When you look at the strongest people on the planet these days, again, the guy who holds the world record for lifting relative to his body weight, vegan. 

If you look at the best long distance runners on the planet, vegan.

Finally, it's time to put one of the most brain dead questions to bed once and for all: 

But if I stop eating meat & dairy, where do I get my protein?
If you need to eat meat and animal products to get protein, I have one question for you:  

Where did that animal get its protein?
Okay, let's say a lion eats a zebra to get its protein.  Where did the zebra get its protein?
From the grass. When a lion attacks a zebra, and they bring it to the ground and they kill it.  

Where are the first two areas on the animal that the Tigers all the lines go after?  

Number one, they rip out the throat.  

And number two, they rip open the belly and eat the partly digested plant matter in their intestines.  


Because the lions and tigers can't eat grass and digest it efficiently and get sufficient nutrients for them to survive.   But they do get a lot of nutritional value from the partly digested stomach contents of that plant eating animal.  

So before you say hey, tigers, lions are all carnivores, just remember that they will eat green, plant based matter.  

So called carnivores will eat plants, when it's in a form that they can actually digest effectively.  If you've ever had a pet cat or dog, you'll see them munching on grass, especially if they are sick or they can't empty their bowels properly. 

In short, even the animals we consider 100% carnivores, eat more grasses and plants than we originally thought. So that's today's message:  

There is so much more goodness in plant foods, and there is so much more nutrition and lower risk of heart disease, bowel cancer, diabetes, and every single lifestyle disease you can imagine when you make plants your primary source of nutrition. So I'm not saying never ever eat another steak guys.  

I have some vegan friends that are going to take me to task on this and give me a hard time for saying, hey, if you want to eat a steak, eat a steak. 

What I'm saying is, if you're eating it 3, 4 or 5 times a week, probably cut that back to once a fortnight.  In fact, start was trying to cut it back to once a week then cut it back to once a fortnight, then once a month.  

It probably takes 10 to 12 days for your body to eliminate the metabolic waste products, the ammonia and all the related byproducts of digesting red meat especially.  

And fish is farmed now.  

It's full of full of disease and bacteria because those salmon farms, those fish are compressed into such a small space.  It just is not healthy for the fish.  

They get diseases that they wouldn't get in the wild and there's so much pollution in the oceans these days, it's just ridiculous.  

Just think of Fukushima as one example of toxic waste products going into the oceans.  Just because we no longer hear about Fukushima in the media doesn't mean it isn't still pumping out radioactive waste.  This has been happening unabated since March 2011. 

That's not taking into account all the hormones and pharmaceuticals that end up in the ocean. In fact, if you take a sample from the ocean anywhere on the planet, you will find estrogen in it.  


Because it's a byproduct of female contraceptive pills and hormones used to accelerate the growth of the animals we eat for food (growth hormones and estrogen to make cows produce more milk and chickens to grow faster and produce more eggs, to name a few) that have ended up in the stormwater and sewage system and washed into the waterways that ultimately end up in the oceans.  

So from my understanding of the research, you can't avoid these estrogenic hormones.  

So if you want to end up with estrogen, female hormones in your systems guys, eat fish. 

If you want to end up with a whole bunch of animal bovine growth hormones, well, that's what is in the feed that we give the animals we typically consume. 

So the easiest way to get healthy and lose weight is don't eat that rubbish and put it in your body.  

I know, I know, the bro-scientist in you is going to say, “But brah, where will I get my protein?” 

The same place the cow, monkey, gorilla, giraffe, buffalo, rhino and elephant get it from...plants. 

But before you get all emotional, let's apply some common sense here. 

We're not designed to eat animals as a primary food source.  

Yes, us humans are excellent adaptors and can eat all kinds of crap and survive on it, at least for a period of time, before it damages our health and sets up lifestyle diseases like bowel cancer and heart disease. 

Just look in the mirror at your teeth.  

They're not designed to catch prey and bring it down and rip its throat out. 

Look at your hands.  

They don't have the claws on them to catch the animals, drag it down and rip its throat out. 

Getting the idea yet? 

If we then get into more technical things as in the actual digestive enzymes in our body and the length of our digestive tract, we most resemble fruitarians...Yeah, vegetarians, plant eaters.  

But but but Stu, we can't digest cellulose. 

I know, I know, you're absolutely right.  

Our job as human beings is not to digest cellulose but to ingest cellulose, and that's what the bacteria in our guts eat. The good probiotic bacteria in our gut, that allows us to break down and extract the nutrition from our food, eats cellulose.  

So give it to them, in the form of cellulose.  

In other words, eat more plants and heal your gut.  

So your body can get rid of about one animal product every 10 to 12 days from a toxicity point of view.  

But from a health point of view, every time you eat meat, you disrupt the normal balance between the healthy probiotic bacteria in your gut, and you stir up that balance and that can take four to six weeks to normalize.  

So you get the idea, guys. If you're eating meat and animal products every four to six weeks, you're still disrupting your body's ideal balance.  

But hey, it's your body, it's your life.  

It's your choices.  

Just don't say you weren't informed. 

Here goes the other thing you guys will ask about:  

But what about if I, if I cut back on animal products, if I stop eating meat,  wont my testosterone levels drop through the floor?  

Well guess what, guys, I've got a number of articles on optimizing your testosterone levels naturally. 

[Click Here] 

Now, like or not, with the amount of phytoestrogens and female hormones in the food chain, us men are becoming feminized.  In other words, if we look at our testosterone levels, compared to our grandfathers, they've dropped something like 27%.  

That's a generalization, that's an average.  

But that does not have to be you.  

There are ways and means of maintaining and increasing your natural testosterone levels, even well into your 40s, 50s and 60s.  It's not age related.  

Hell, I know guys well into their 70s who would beat the crap out of 90% of millenials poncing around today. And this is where we're going to take science and smack the myths up the side of the head.  

But suffice it to say right now guys, get away from the food sources full of female estrogens.  So we're looking at meats that are being fed on female hormones, it messes up with your natural hormonal system as a man.  

Like I've already said, get away from stuff that's in the ocean because it's full of female hormones as a result of us pumping out our poo and pee into the water supply. Think about it, chicks take the contraceptive pill and then pee some of those hormones out and flush it down the toilet, which then ends up in our oceans...but don't go blaming the girls.   

Multiply that by all the sheep, cows and chickens that are fed estrogens and growth hormones to makes them grow faster and produce more eggs and milk and their waste products (shit and piss) are washed down our drains, into our water supply or end up in our storm water that drains into our oceans. 

There's no escaping it, unless you take it upon yourself to avoid and minimize it when you can. And get into foods that are naturally going to balance your hormones, absorb the excess estrogens and naturally allow your male testosterone based hormones to thrive.  

But that's an article for another day.  

So let's move on. 

And that's all we've got to say on this.  This pretty much rounds out the basics of our 4 part Burn the Belly Fat System.  

Now if you want more detail on this, and:   

How to get supplements that are going to accelerate your metabolism to absolutely shred your body quickly, simply & effectively 

How to get specific workouts and the workout structure to shred belly fat and get ripped 

How to make smoothies and drinks to raise your metabolism and torch your belly fat.   

Then click on the link here, and that's going to take you across to a program that answers all those questions for you.  

I look forward to seeing you on the other side of that, and thanks again for your time here.  

Originally posted here:

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