Thursday, July 11, 2019

ANOTHER DAY AND ANOTHER #AutomaticWin [July 10 2019] ๐Ÿ…ฐ️๐Ÿ…
Hi girls, guys, everybody! Yes! It’s been another day with plenty to say and do! Maintaining balance is a challenge for all of us isn’t it? That’s why I believe in making my health a priority 1st thing in the morning before things take off and get carried away. It’s all about investing in yourself and your health 1st. Because let’s face it... if your not taking the time to take care of you... who is going to do that? It’s important right? You know something's important when only you can do it. Think about that for a moment... I think that’s a significant point. And it is from this basis that I drew the inspiration for the #AutomaticWin Initiative. Not only that but I put my own financial means behind the idea. I wanted to support the @actifit project and reward the intentional steps you all are taking with the @actifit dApp every day so I took stock and decided to sell some of my unused weight equipment and some of my stocks (that I had invested in Fitbit) and invest them in delegating to the @actifit project and powering up the @AdventureReady account. I had a vision of the future for the potential of the @actifit project and I really wanted to do my part in rewarding the efforts you all are making each day to improve your health and bring value to the Steem Blockchain. I’m continuing to look for creative ways to build a health and fitness presence with the #HighFive Initiative and the @AdventureReady, @BeachReady, @EveryStepCounts, @OneMore accounts. I have BIG plans for the future we are all building here and I'm committed to staying the course despite the vicissitudes of life and the financial markets. Now here’s the thing... I am committed to your success as you make your health goals real and I'm committed to your success here on the Steem Blockchain as well. So please, if you will, zoom out to at least a 5 year perspective. Would you like to see the #AutomaticWin Initiative grow and succed in reaching more and more people? Do you see value in what I am building here on the Steem Blockchain? If you do... then please consider up-voting the #AutomaticWin badge when it's awarded to your @actifit activity report. By doing so you give value and security to this initiatives continence. Not only that but you make way for BIGGER and even BETTER things to come! We are all building and voting for what we want the future of this Blockchain to look like. I'm asking directly for your support. A special thank you to the ones who are currently supporting the #AutomaticWin Initiative with your up-votes. (You know who you are!) You are literally voting for what you want more of in the future so every vote and every comment matters. Let's keep on keeping things REAL and move away from the short sighted gain that transactional conversation yields. It's time to use the Steem Blockchain the way it was truly intended to be used. To vote our values and to influence real and lasting change. To delve deeply and connect fully and authentically. This is not a place where communication is transitionally mined from the investors investments... I really hope this is NOT the case for it it is... then truly this Blockchain will eventually fail as the money that has been invested is extracted away. This is really about the quality and authentic nature of the community we are building here on the Steem Blockchain. If we can overcome the impulse of greed and short term desire we can create a golden goose era that will increase the value of the Steem Blockchain! These are some of my economic thoughts as I have fully committed to the preservation and enrichment of the Steem Blockchain! This is a fertile ground to grow nearly any business idea... But we have to take care of it. We have to see it for what it's worth. We have to value our ideas. We have to value and connect authentically with each other and build trust. Business moves at the speed of trust... and that's what transnational thinking destroys. Trust. I think that this is one of the underlying reasons I decided to join the #Seven77 Challenge that @nathanmars has initiated. He wants to tell people how wonderful the Steem Blockchain is and bring them over here from Twitter... It's our job to make sure that when they get here they are immediately wowed and become raving fans on the Steem Blockchain. That sort of draw ALWAYS boils down to the authentic qualities of the community! Soooo! No matter what the current price of Steem is at the moment... I don't really care! Let's forget about the price and continue to build real intrinsic value into everything we are doing here! It does matter! Community and communication go hand in hand. You can't have one without the other... So the question is... How can we build a strong healthy vibrant community of diverse people from all around the world? Community grows when there is a economic give and receive "handshake" and it thrives when people authentically connect and #HighFive! It is that genuine connection that creates trust that voting with your values produces. I hope some of what I'm saying here resonates with you all! I'm so GRATEFUL for each and every one of you! (I'll be posting a video about gratefulness in an hour or so for day 68 of the #Seven77 Challenge so make sure you check that out alright!) Thank you for taking the time to read today's post! *wil.metcalfe* Fitness Entrepreneur Certified Personal Trainer @BeachReady @AdventureReady @Actifit @EveryStepCounts @OneMoreNutrition >We all start life not really being able to communicate but it is communication that bonds and connects us one to each other. Comments are what make community real. -wil.metcalfe ___ ###




Today’s #AutomaticWin

Daily Activity,Walking,Weight Lifting

Originally posted here:

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