Friday, May 31, 2019

Professional Athletes Award Winning Film Producers & I Share Epic Existence


We had an Award winning film maker and former professional football player over for our extraordinary brunch on Sunday. Not only did we enjoy amazing food in the highest sustainable standard, but we also had many profound conversations.


This former professional football player has been diagnosed with three different diseases in his life and been told he’s going to die multiple times yet here he is alive and well fully recovering. One of the keys for his miracles are food grade hydrogen peroxide.


i’ve been taking it every day for 10 years and swear by its extraordinary benefits. Alex Voss also made a world renowned award-winning film called the big secret which highlighted how devastating Western medicine is to health. I was featured in that film as an”expert” in living a healthy life and NATURAL solutions for sickness.


@gardenofeden offers the highest quality natural and affective health supplements to aid in just about every sickness known to man. I don’t go a day without them and would highly recommend the same. Alex Voss and this miracle Of a man agree. How awesome to enjoy the best food, profound conversation and upgrade our lives all at once! That’s how we do it around here!


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Is There Really a Relationship Between Drinking Certain Tea & Losing Weight?

  RED TEA DETOX I have discovered a very amazing story about dieting from a totally different approach. May people

The post Is There Really a Relationship Between Drinking Certain Tea & Losing Weight? appeared first on Health and Fitness Fans.

from Health and Fitness Fans

To Protect Your Eyesight Try To Avoid This 7 Habits []( Eyes are the most important among the sense organs. Naturally, we can see everything but we have never thought that if we had no eyesight then the whole world would have become dark to us. Those who do not have eyesight can only understand that the visually impaired life is how difficult. Without eyesight, we can not watch TV, draw pictures, read books, or enjoy the beauty of nature. Without eyesight, the whole world reveals to us a dark place. So taking care of eyes is very important. Know the 5 bad habits that damage your eyes and try to avoid them. ## Not Getting Enough Sleep []( Not getting enough sleep is a very common problem. Many people can not sleep enough at night. There may various problems in our eyes due to not getting enough sleep at night. Insomnia prevents you from transmitting fluids in your eyes, causing lungs and eyes to swell. So to keeps your eyes good, you have to need enough sleep at night. ## Do not use Electronic Devices At Night []( For using electronic devices in the night many of us feel uncomfortable. If you use electronic devices in the night, it can expose you to the blue light coming from the screen which affects your eyes, & too much exposure can disrupt the sleep cycles, making it harder to sleep at night. This can cause painful pain in the eye. To protect your eye, before you go to bed at night, try to don't use the electronic device. ## Using contact lenses before sleeping []( Those who use contact lenses before sleeping, if they do not clear the contact lens or don't open the lens at the time of sleep, they have serious damage to their eyes. The lens prevents reaching the oxygen, nutrients and oily components needed for the cornea. As a result, the eyes can become red. So it's not better to use contact lenses before sleeping. ## Forgetting to wear sunglasses []( Ultraviolet rays of sunlight can damage the eyes. If you go out in the sun even for a little while without wearing your sunglasses, the ray falls on your eye, it may cause sunburn, cataracts, and eye cancer. Also, it is known as the sunburn of the eyes. If you want to avoid ultraviolet rays, try to wear UV protection Sunglasses before go out & keep your eyes healthy. ## Eye makeup brush []( Clean your eye makeup brushes at least once a month. Bacteria grow in the form of stupas in the makeup brushes, for a long time. As a result, you may be facing an infection and conjunctivitis eye problem. ## Check the expiry date of eye makeup brush []( If you use expired eye makeup brush then, there may be various inflammation with pain in your eye. So before using an eye makeup brush, check it's expiration date. ## Smoking cigarettes []( Smoking cigarettes can affect your eye health. Smoking can cause cataracts, glaucoma, dry eye syndrome, conjunctivitis, optic nerve damage, diabetic retinopathy, etc diseases. Doctors believe that smoking causes cataracts by altering the cells of the eye lens through oxidation. So those who smoke constantly, they should be quit smoking to prevent their body or eyes from disease.

Until I Make A New Article
Keep Your Smile On and Be With @littlemix Thanks for reading this article, hope you liked this. If you want you can leave me your thoughts or opinions about this article in the comments sections. Don't forget to resteem and Upvote this article. Wish you, have a beautiful day. ✯ Follow @littlemix for more ✯

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Smith Machine Home Gym Fitness Exercise Equipment Workout

Smith Machine Home Gym Fitness Exercise Equipment Workout Price : 863.79 Ends on :

The post Smith Machine Home Gym Fitness Exercise Equipment Workout appeared first on Health and Fitness Fans.

from Health and Fitness Fans

Fruits that pregnant women should eat
Greetings friends of Steemit. This post will let you know the fruits that are recommended to be consumed by pregnant women who help keep both the baby and the mother healthy, providing vitamins and minerals to their health. [Source]( During the first trimester there are symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, during pregnancy the appetite increases and the absorption of a high number of nutrients, being very recommendable the fruit in pregnancy. During the first 4-5 months, due to hormonal action. The pregnant woman's body tends to accumulate energy and a significant number of nutrients. It is a vital necessity for the fetus to receive both oxygen and nutrients from the mother's blood through the placenta. For this reason, the maternal nutritional status is one of the most important factors that are related to the health of the newborn and the development of pregnancy, being very necessary a high consumption of fruit in pregnancy. The requirements in vitamins and minerals in pregnancy are greater than in other stages of life, so it is advisable to increase intake in most micronutrients especially folic acid, calcium, iron, vitamin C, D and B12. Depending on the most recommended vitamins and minerals at this stage, we recommend: Figs, kiwi, pineapple, apple, banana, have a lot of calcium. Peaches, plums, are rich in iron. Strawberries, oranges, papayas, raspberries, kiwi, have a high content of vitamin C and folic acid. Moderate consumption of nuts. Cereals, legumes and tubers should form the basis of the diet. ##### The consumption of fruit in pregnancy will allow certain vitamins and minerals needed in this process to be provided correctly and naturally.
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Mandarin @senseicat
One of the best ways to get much needed vitamin C naturally is by eating cuties or mandarin oranges. It will give you a natural boost and keep you healthy.




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Source Naturals Life Force Multiple 60 Caps, Energy Activator, Multi-Vitamin

Source Naturals Life Force Multiple 60 Caps, Energy Activator, Multi-Vitamin Price : 11.55 Ends on : [ad_21]

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from Health and Fitness Fans

10 tips to help you lose weight- 10 nawykow, które pomogą Ci schudnąć


Photo credit to: 1 .Eat protein, fat, fruit or veg with every meal. Main Protein sources: Meat, fish, eggs. If you are vegetarian try Tofu, lentils, chick peas. Here you can cut calories by choosing lean meat like turkey or skinless chicken breast. The same applies to fish, for example tuna is low in fat but Salmon is high in fat and contains more calories. This is the easiest way to start creating caloric deficit without counting calories. Fats are also in cakes, crisps and other processed foods so by limiting those it will increase your caloric deficit, which is exactly what we are looking for! *In Polish -Jedz białko, tłuszcz, owoce lub warzywa z każdym posiłkiem. Główne źródła białka: mięso, ryby, jaja,sery. Jeśli jesteś wegetarianinem, spróbuj Tofu, soczewicy, ciecierzycy. Tutaj zaoszczedzisz na kaloriach, wybierając chude mięso, takie jak indyk lub pozbawiona skóry pierś z kurczaka. To samo dotyczy ryb, na przykład tuńczyk ma niską zawartość tłuszczu, ale łosoś ma wysoką zawartość tłuszczu i zawiera więcej kalorii. Jest to najłatwiejszy sposób na rozpoczęcie tworzenia deficytu kalorycznego bez liczenia kalorii. Tłuszcze znajdują się również w ciastach, chipsach i innych przetworzonych produktach, więc ograniczając je, zwiększy się deficyt kaloryczny, który jest dokładnie tym, czego nam trzeba aby schudnac! Na zdjeciu wolowina z sosem pieczarkowym


2. Plan your meals for next day and prepare them the night before, ready to grab in the morning. This will stop you from reaching out to the foods you are trying to avoid. Example: Vending machine or take away near work place.


Photo credit to: *Zaplanuj posiłki na następny dzień i przygotuj je wieczorem. To powstrzyma cię przed dotarciem do produktów, których próbujesz uniknąć. Np. frytki lub zapiekanka. Polecam moj przepis na owsianke wysokoproteinowa ktora mozna przygotowac nawet 3 dni wczesniej i przechowywac w lodowce- Przepis na moim blogu pod nazwa Protein oats. Mozna tez uwzglednic taki szybki obiadek: ziemniak z serkiem wiejskim i warzywami:-)


3. Stop cooking with oil and replace it with water or 1 cal spray. Replace those calories with seeds or nuts. I love melted butter in my rice but just a small tsp of butter contains between 80-100 calories! Nuts or seeds offer excellent sources of nutrients like healthy omega fatty acids, magnesium, some zinc and copper, they are good source of protein too! Learn what’s in your food. Use both ingredient and Nutrition Facts labels to discover what various foods contain. *Przestań gotować na oleju i zastąp go wodą lub olejem w sprayu. Zamien te te kalorie na nasiona lub orzechy. Uwielbiam roztopione masło w moim ryżu, ale tylko mała łyżeczka masła zawiera 80-100 kalorii! Orzechy lub nasiona oferują doskonałe źródła składników odżywczych, takich jak zdrowe kwasy tłuszczowe omega, magnez, cynk i miedź, są również dobrym źródłem białka! Dowiedz się, co jest w twoim jedzeniu. Użyj obu składników i etykiet Nutrition Facts, aby dowiedzieć się, co zawierają różne produkty spożywcze. Na zdjeciu ponizej ryz z grillowana piersia z kurczaka i warzywami. Bylo pyszne!!


4. Enjoy more water over other drinks. Drinking water won’t specifically trigger weight loss, but it can aid in the process. Water replaces other calorie-laden beverages in diet, causing you to reduce your overall number of calories. Not drinking enough water have negative impact on our mood, energy levels and ability to think clearly. I understand that for many, drinking water is just boring and tasteless but we can easy change this by adding frozen fruit to water bottle, freshly squeezed lemon juice or sliced fresh cucumber with mint. This transforms my water and it’s so refreshing! *Stara nudna zasada picia duzo wody zawsze jest dobra :-) Woda pitna nie powoduje utraty wagi, ale może pomóc w tym procesie. Woda zastępuje inne pełnowartościowe napoje w diecie, powodując zmniejszenie ogólnej liczby kalorii. Nie picie wystarczającej ilości wody ma negatywny wpływ na nasz nastrój, poziom energii i zdolność do jasnego myślenia. Rozumiem, że dla wielu woda do picia jest nudna i bez smaku, ale możemy to łatwo zmienić, dodając mrożone owoce do butelki na wodę, świeżo wyciśnięty sok z cytryny lub pokrojony świeży ogórek z miętą. To dodaje smaku mojej wody i jest bardzo odświeżająca!


Photo credit to: 5. Train your mind! If your brain isn't on the same page as your body, you might have a hard time seeing lasting progress. Food is not a reward, and exercise is not a punishment. They are both ways of caring for your body and helping you feel good. Enjoy your food but teach yourself to eat less and have a better relationship with food. Find out what is your biggest obstacle and how you can change it! Often its just the case of changing behavior towards the food or particular event! Keep practicing! *Trenuj swój umysł! Jeśli twój mózg nie znajduje się na tej samej stronie, co twoje ciało, możesz mieć trudności z widzeniem trwałego postępu. Pamietaj, ze jedzenie nie jest nagrodą, a ćwiczenia nie są karą. Są to oba sposoby dbania o twoje ciało i pomagania ci w dobrym samopoczuciu. Ciesz się jedzeniem, ale naucz się jeść mniej i mieć lepsze relacje z jedzeniem. Dowiedz się, jaka jest twoja największa przeszkoda i jak możesz ją zmienić! Często chodzi tylko o zmianę zachowania w stosunku do jedzenia lub konkretnego wydarzenia! Ćwicz dalej!


Photo from: 6. You are doing all above and still not losing weight? Start writing down what you are eating somewhere. Be honest with yourself and note every single bite! You would be surprised how some of those “small bites” can sabotage your weight loss ,cheat meal often turns to cheat day and that can undo everything you did during the past week. I highly recommend app called Myfitnesspal but simple journal on a piece of paper will work too. Keeping a food diary will make you more accountable. *Robisz wszystko powyżej i wciąż nie tracisz wagi? Codziennie notuj co jesz. Bądź szczery ze sobą i zapisuj każdy kęs! Zdziwiłbyś się, jak niektóre z tych „małych ugryzień” mogą utrudnic Twoją utratę wagi, Czesto takie wlasnie male kesy okazuja sie wysokokaloryczne i pare takich duzych kesow tygodniowo może cofnąć wszystko, co zrobiłeś w ciągu ostatniego tygodnia! Bardzo polecam aplikację o nazwie Myfitnesspal, ale prosty dziennik na kartce papieru również będzie działał. Prowadzenie dziennika żywności sprawi, że będziesz bardziej swiadomy tego co jesz i jaki ma to wplyw na twoja utrate wagi i samopoczucie.


Photo credit to: 7. Plan to rest/relax. Stress, emotions and lack of sleep lead us to unhealthy temptations and this in most cases is the reason why we often overeat. Being healthy is not only about eating its about healthy mind too so make sure you have your own time to relax and get sound sleep! Poor sleep=Poor appetite control so make sure you sleep long enough to help develop better habits. *Zawsze planuj odpoczynek / relaks. Stres, emocje i brak snu prowadzą nas do niezdrowych pokus, co w większości przypadków powoduje, że często się przejadamy.To bardzo czesto zdarza sie matkom ktore wychowuja noworodki. Wstawanie 3x w nocy lub wiecej do dziecka powoduje krotki sen ktory powoduje pozniej nerwowosc w ciagu dnia i niski stopien jakosci snu wywoluje wiekszy apetyt. Pamietaj,ze zdrowie to nie tylko ladnie wygladajace cialo i odpowiednio dobrana dieta, dbanie o umysl jest tu tez bardzo wazne! więc upewnij się, że masz czas na relaks i zdrowy sen! Słaby sen = Słaba kontrola apetytu, więc upewnij się, że śpisz wystarczająco długo, aby pomóc w rozpoczeciu nowych lepszych dla ciebie i twojej wagi nawykow :-)


. 8. Get moving! You can’t go to the gym? Go for a walk! You could buy a pedometer and I am to hit 10k steps most days during the week. Set yourself target and beat it every day or week. People really underestimating the power of walking. It’s the simplest , effective exercise you can do and it doesn’t cost you any money. When you moving you are automatically helping create caloric deficit without counting. *Wyjdz na spacer! Trzeba sie wiecej ruszac Marysia :-) Nie możesz wyjsc na siłownię lub spacer! Nie masz motywacjii? kup krokomierz, zacznij od 5tys krokow dziennie i tak kazdego tygodnia rob wiecej kroków. Ustaw sobie cel i bij go codziennie lub tygodniowo. Ludzie naprawdę nie doceniają ile mozna zdzialac samym spacerem codziennie. To najprostsze i najskuteczniejsze ćwiczenie, które możesz wykonać, a to nie kosztuje żadnych pieniędzy!


Photo credit to: 9. Patience and practice is key! The length of time it takes you to lose weight is a learning period and will be instrumental to maintaining your new body. It will be much easier journey if you know which food to choose to eat, face every challenge and change behaviors.Turn off the stopwatch and take the time to learn everything you can about how you think, act, and feel towards food. When you do something that makes you feel like you've failed, learn from it and move on. *Cierpliwość i praktyka są kluczowe! Czas potrzebny na schudnięcie to okres nauki i będzie miał zasadnicze znaczenie dla utrzymania nowego ciała. Będzie to znacznie łatwiejsza podróż, jeśli wiesz, które jedzenie wybrać, aby zmierzyć się z każdym wyzwaniem i zmienić zachowania. Wyłącz stoper i poświęć trochę czasu, aby dowiedzieć się wszystkiego, co możesz o tym, jak myślisz, działasz i czujesz w stosunku do jedzenia. Nie porownuj sie do fitnessek na instagramie badz soba i rob tyle ile mozesz i twoja sytuacja pozwala. Kiedy robisz coś, co sprawia, że ​​czujesz, że zawiodłeś, potraktuj to jako lekcje i ruszaj dalej.


Photo from: 10. BE CONSISTENT. Before critiquing the method, think about your own out put and commitment. I see and hear this all the time: “I fast 20h a day and not losing!” “ I gained weight doing keto” “ Herbalife doesn’t work I stick to it most days but I still can’t lose any weight” Well, Sorry if it offends somebody but if you can’t lose weight on your diet plan, then you are simply not doing it right. Keto, Slimming World, Weight Watchers whatever it is, you stick to it! If you keep “falling of the wagon” than it’s simply not the right choice. Every diet we try has attributes. Each one can educate and guide us, but we must learn to stand on our own! *Trzymaj sie planui zanim zaczniesz krytykować metodę, zastanów się nad własnym podejściem i zaangażowaniem. Cały czas to widzę i słyszę: „Ja nic prawie nie jem a tyje!" „Przytylam, to nie dziala robie keto” „Herbalife nie działa, trzymam się tego przez większość dni, ale wciąż nie mogę stracić na wadze” Cóż, przepraszam, jeśli kogoś to obraża, ale jeśli nie możesz schudnąć na planie diety, to po prostu nie robisz tego dobrze. Keto, Herbalife albo zwykly plan od trenera cokolwiek to jest, trzymaj się tego! Jeśli nadal „spadasz z wagonu”, to po prostu nie jest to właściwy wybór. Każda dieta, którą próbujemy, ma atrybuty. Każdy może nas wychowywać i prowadzić, ale musimy nauczyć się stać sami! Badz kierowca a nie pasazerem! Kieruj swoimi nawykami tak aby sie utrzymaly na zawsze a nie tylko podczas "diety"


Photo credit to: IF YOU ARE APPLIED ALL ABOVE AND STILL Struggle to lose weight then you are simply no longer in caloric deficit. To lose more weight you have 2 choices: 1. Move more than in previous weeks 2. Start counting calories just for a month or two. Your calculated daily calorie limit will help you control your portions, teach you a lot more about food /meals and proof to you that you really don’t need any fad diet to lose weight! You can eat anything you want within your daily calorie limit and you will lose weight! Ask me if you need help with anything mentioned in this post. *Jezeli zastosujesz wszystkie wskazowki wymienione powyzej i nie mozesz schudnac, to oznacza to ze nie jestes w deficycie kalorycznym. Mamy 2 możliwości aby zejsc wiecej z wagi: 1. Ruszaj sie wiecej niż w poprzednich tygodniach 2. Zacznij liczyć kalorie. Twój obliczony dzienny limit kalorii pomoże Ci kontrolować porcje, nauczy Cię więcej o jedzeniu / posiłkach i udowodni, że naprawdę nie potrzebujesz żadnej modnej diety, aby schudnąć! Możesz jeść wszystko, co chcesz w ramach dziennego limitu kalorii, i schudniesz! Mam nadzieje, ze to komus pomoze :-) Ania
Originally posted here:

ADSactly Beauty: Just Add Coconut Oil!

Hello dear beauty lovers, In our previous post, we talked a bit about making your own lip balms and I promised you we would follow up soon with a post about what else you can do with coconut oil (beside your own lip balm!). And while that was a pretty easy DIY trick, I promise you these ones are even easier. So, if you love taking care of your hair and skin (and teeth and overall health!), let’s get to it! ## 1. Beautiful From the Inside Now the first thing I remember doing with coconut oil when I finally got myself a jar was eating it, first thing in the morning. And yeah, since it’s oil, it does taste pretty gross and might make you feel sick. But it’s worth it, and I’m sure you can get through a teeny-tiny teaspoon of the stuff, can’t you? But why should you?

Good question. Well, I used to have really annoying acne problems (which is what got me into this whole beauty thing, in the first place) and I used to ingest the coconut oil in the idea that the fatty acids it contains can have a great effect on your health. It can increase your skin’s moisture content and so, if you have really dry skin, it can really help. Coconut oil is also rich in lauric acid, which works to kill the acne-producing bacteria. The way I see it, it’s helping your skin from the inside out and in many ways, that’s even better than just applying it on your face, as that is only a temporary solution. So remember, taking care of your diet is probably the best thing you can do for yourself and your appearance! Oh, and speaking of diet, coconut oil helps lose weight. The triglycerides present in coconut oil can help you burn more calories. It also reduces your hunger, when your body metabolizes the acids in the coconut oil. So, if you’re interested in losing weight, I’d check it out! ## 2. Starlet Hair Now, the opinions on this one are divided, it seems. A lot of natural remedy lovers champion castor oil as the number one treatment for damaged hair (additionally, it’s supposed to increase hair growth), but a lot of people seem to prefer coconut oil. I think they’re both great options, but as always, I think it’s important to find what’s best for you.

So, back to coconut oil. Being very moisturizing, it obviously can help repair your damaged or dry hair. The fatty acids I mentioned before soften the hair and help trap the moisture inside, which can improve the overall appearance of your hair after a few uses. These uses are nothing fancy. While there are more complicated hair masks out there, let’s just stick to basics for now, shall we? Right, so this mask is recommended before you wash your hair. You scoop some oil into your hands and rub it into your roots, going down to the tips, until your whole hair is covered. You can tie it up in a loose bun or pony-tail, or ideally put on a shower cap and leave it on for at least an hour. It might be a bit messy and time-consuming to get out, so don’t do this (at least, not for the first time) before a big event. Ideally, leave it on over night (mind that shower cap, so you don’t get oil on your sheets and furniture!) and then shampoo as usual. While some recommend you also condition after this mask, I say do what works for you. For me, for example, that would be too much, as the mask itself is incredibly moisturizing, so conditioner would be a bit pointless. But it’s up to you. This mask can really get you that glossy look we all secretly crave (as well as tame that impossible frizzy hair), so go for it! Again, this isn’t not everybody – some types of hair react extremely well to this mask, while others are left with oil in for days. It really depends on what type of hair you have, so you can’t say I didn’t warn you. ## 3. Moisture is Key Wow. I have read a lot of blogs crowning coconut oil as the best moisturizer out there. I won’t lie, I have found an article (in Cosmo, no less) claiming you shouldn’t use coconut oil on your skin, as it can block the pores and trap dirt inside, thus doing more harm than good. But that article went on to advertise specific products of the naysayers of coconut oil, so it kinda lost my respect.

Now, I’m not saying this works for everyone. It really varies from skin to skin, but I’ve heard a lot of people who love coconut oil as a simple, efficient body (and face) moisturizer. So maybe try that out? Personally, I would recommend using it in combination with something else, like shea butter or cocoa butter. But it’s your choice. > I thought my pores would clog up with all the excess oil. But it actually helped even out my skin tone and calm down redness on my face. [source]( The writer of the article does caution against using it as a daytime moisturizer, though, as it can interfere with your make-up routine, since the skin remained so slippery. The truth is more and more trendy brand moisturizers are turning to these natural remedies (because they have great properties as well as sound cute on the side of the box!), which means, there’s gotta be something right about them, right? Oh, and apply with moderation. Take little dollops of oil and rub them into your skin. A little goes a long way, in this case. ## 4. Make-up Remover Another use I’ve heard great things about is using the oil to remove make-up. Makes sense, if you think about it, since many store-bought removers are oil-based.

It’s great having the perfect make-up and I know we all love it when that mascara we applied in the morning is still picture-perfect by two AM, but every party’s got to end, and every make-up must, eventually, be washed off. And it’s important we do so efficiently, since leftover make-up can cause rashes, infections and especially, if it gets into your eyes, it can be pretty dangerous. So, removing your make-up is paramount for a healthy complexion and what better way to do it than with some coconut oil? It’s really efficient, even against waterproof mascara and heavy foundation and concealer, so this might just be what you’re looking for. On the other hand, preferences vary. I know a lot of people who dislike oil-based make-up remover, as it gets into their eyes, so to each his own. Anyway, make sure you use an efficient cleanser to get rid of all the oil and lingering grime. ## 5. Smile!

Yep, coconut oil is excellent for whitening your teeth. You can combine it with baking soda to get a soothing but efficient all-natural toothpaste or, you can try oil pulling. On the off-chance you haven’t heard about oil pulling yet – it’s believed that coconut oil (or olive oil, or any organic cooking oil, really) can help pull out the lingering bacteria from your teeth. You take a mouthful of oil (I know, tastes yucky, but it’s worth it) and you swish it around your mouth for at least five minutes. Spit and brush your teeth with regular toothpaste or just leave it like that, if you don’t mind the taste too much. My favorite part about this process is that the oil gets on your lips and it makes them incredibly soft. --- While there are a lot of other great uses for coconut oil (and you’re welcome to read some more in the links below), we’ll stop here, as I’ve said everything beauty-related I wanted to say. Oh, bonus use! A really interesting one I found (though I haven’t tried it yet) says it makes for excellent natural highlighter. You just dab a little along your cheekbones after applying your normal make-up and it really makes your features stand out. And who doesn’t like well-highlighted cheekbones? ## So, do you have any coconut oil adventures you’d like to share with us? Maybe you know of a great trick we’ve missed. Share with us below! ##### Authored by @honeydue *References: [1]( [2]( [3]( [4](*
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Please pray for my aunty....
She is having Pulmonary Trumbulosis ICU. I really hope she can recover well and back to her healthy life like before. She was such a good aunty and treats us really well when we were visiting Shanghai for a holiday . She insisted to bring us for dinner and walk around.


Get well soon!!
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Air pollution: How to protect ourself!
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##### If you ve read the newspaper recently, you would no doubt have read about the alarming air pollution levels. Whether it is of exhaust fumes from cars and factories or smoke from burning stubble air pollution is a cause of great concern. > The effects of this can be seen in the growing number of asthma and other respiratory diseases. These diseases affect adults and children alike, however, it is the younger generation and elderly people are most susceptible. ** ** Air pollution is bigger problem now a days and we are responsible for this. It's we who created this because of our various acts which are not at all good for the environment. We must need to act now to save ourself and make a better planet for our upcoming generations. If we start being considerate towards our planet and environment then things can improve and this improvement will give us better health. Health is wealth and if we have this wealth then we can and do anything we want but without being healthy and fit it seems difficult. Please read this complete article to understand the affects and how can we protect ourselves. Thank you for your time. Happy weekend. #####

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