Saturday, February 1, 2020

Science Based Medicine: Total Corporate Shill Site
I’m not sure how many people have checked out the site but I would advise it if for the simple reason that it is a perfect illustration of the corrupt and brainwashed medical community at large. This site contains many articles that are generally demeaning of their opponents; which is to say anyone that doesn’t think that drugs, chemotherapy and other chemicals are the only way to be healthy. Kindergarten level writing is used to mock alternative health professionals. Words such as pseudoscience, quackery and, yes, “woo”, are thrown about as if those words mean anything at all. Sites like are attacked as is the “Food Babe” Vani Harri. In their eyes, because Mercola and Harri are successful and are making a solid punch into the health industry they are threats but more importantly they are deceiving their readers, who are viewed with disdain from the overlords of medicine. If you question conventional medicine you are mentally incapable according to these shills. What SBM fails to show is their ties to pharmaceutical industries. The entire site is simply a repository of medical dogma, the writers are all mainstream propagandists and spokespeople for drug companies. To these people, the idea of the body healing itself is verboten. They are radical trans humanists that view the body as a faulty unit that only drugs and surgery can “fix”. Acupuncture? Nonsense. Supplements? Scams. But the most profitable form of allopathic medicine netting a trillion dollars per year? That’s totally fine and preferred! Sites like this should be trolled mercifully until they are forced to shut down. I know that they would be shut down because most people don’t buy their bullshit and could simply override the site with comments until they were forced to close down in horrendous defeat. They do not spread helpful information only propaganda, occasionally possibly skimming against something that could be considered unbiased journalism. They disparage and berate natural health practitioners, going against their own Hippocratic oath. They move society backwards instead of forwards.
Originally posted here:

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