I've been trying to keep up with the news but I think I'll just start posting what I can for those interested in the up-to-date news on the novel coronavirus, which have been mostly reported in Asia. I've translated the majority of this video, which i think does a good job summarizing whats going on. I've been watching a bunch of different news outlets and I think this one illustrates it the best. 1716 people on medical teams caught the virus, at least 6 have died. The virus is known to attack other parts of the body, like our kidney, heart, liver, circulatory system; not just the lungs; many patients have died from multiple organ failures. Most of the treatment plans they’ve tried were ineffective on patients that are in severe conditions. A lot of patients have very mild symptoms in the beginning, but the disease would escalate suddenly and quickly. In this case, it is very difficult to save someone. A lot of people had suddenly died on the streets, and it’s actually caused by the virus attacking the heart causing them to suddenly die. They are trying another treatment plan that they used for SARS, which is to perform blood transfusion from someone who recovered from the disease to someone who is sick, and it has significantly improved symptoms for patients who are in severe conditions. This is because those people developed an immunity/antibody to the virus, but it’s hard to say if this will work for everyone. It’s also unknown if the person will fully recover or if it's just improved the condition of the patient for the time being. What makes this virus alarming is that this virus is extremely contagious, way more than anything we've ever seen before, and can stay dormant and go undetected for longer than usual (easily up to a week), and has the ability to cause sudden death. In the video there's a picture of a pile of phones that all belong to people that have died and been cremated recently. Cremation services recently asked for a million corpse bags. And lots of recruits to help burn all the dead bodies. There are three main ways the virus can spread: 1. someone infected sneezing or coughing, and someone healthy breathing it in in close proximity 2. aerosol spread, virus particle travelling on an air particle. Since the CO2 levels are extremely high in Wuhan right now (most likely due to burning dead bodies) the virus is very likely spreading a lot faster due to this, and it is a lot more widespread. 3. touching surfaces where the virus lands on. The virus can live on a shiny surface for up to 45 days. Some patients tested negative and were diagnosed as influenza A, until they performed alveolar lavage later to find out it was actually the novel coronavirus, because the virus was hiding in the deepest parts of the lungs, and not in the throat or upper respiratory tract. Patients who recovered should remain in quarantine, because they can test negative but still have the ability to spread the virus. The current testing methods are not 100% reliable.
Originally posted here:
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