Scientists have come to the fantastic conclusion that DNA "understands" human speech and human thoughts. Every word spoken is nothing but a wave of genetic program that can significantly change your life. In other words, the person we hang out with will eventually come up with a genetic program. These molecules, responsible for heredity, receive acoustic information when we talk or hear what someone is saying. DNA also adopts light information when we read quietly, or look at something. So, one conversation or text heals and another damages it.
Eg. prayer words are capable of awakening the reserve possibilities of the genetic apparatus. The hopeless patients were healed for the prayers of many saints. The blessing of the saints spanned several generations. The curse destroys the programs, which means that it interferes with the normal development of the organism. Brainwashing, slander, damnation can deprive a person of faith, health, will, or even life itself, and have a word as their main tool. And now the main conclusion of scientists: "Wave geneticists" claim that the human genetic apparatus is not indifferent to what its owner thinks, listens or reads. Because any information can be embedded in a so-called gene wave. The DNA apparatus is not capable of distinguishing from what source you received the information, whether it is a living person or information from a TV screen. DNA molecules are able to exchange information with the help of acoustic and electromagnetic waves. But most importantly, in their experiments, scientists caused many "miracles" or genetic effects in words. Scientists have created a machine that converts human words into electromagnetic waves that can affect heredity molecules - DNA. And it turns out that some words cause a mutagenic effect of monstrous power. Chromosomes are cut and distorted, and genes swap places. As a result, DNA begins to produce unnatural programs that are replicated in the body, which transmit to posterity self-destruction programs. According to experts, these strange words caused a mutagenic effect, similar to that caused by the radiation power of 30,000 X-rays! It is scary to imagine what would happen to a person after such a verbal treatment, when 50 x-rays were considered a lethal dose. Fortunately, these experiments were conducted with Arabidopsis plant seeds. Almost all the seeds have failed, and the survivors have become genetic freaks, unable to program the development of healthy organisms. Their offspring completely decay within a few generations. But the biggest surprise for scientists was the fact that the mutagenic effect was independent of the power of the influence. They uttered the words out loud, then softly, and sometimes whispered barely audibly, but received the same results. Perhaps a word-converting machine for electromagnetic waves amplified the sound vibration energy? Impossible: It worked on two AA batteries, usually used for a pocket lamp. For an effect of 30,000 X-rays, it is necessary to create a voltage thousands of times greater than these batteries can create.
Something to think about, right? Is it not clear that many difficulties in life are "programmed" through public opinion, governing structures, with the aim of turning every representative of the stronger sex into a weak man and addicted to "doping" in the form of vulgarity, alcoholism, smoking, voracity, discord, etc. See how you usually answer the simple question, "How are you?" "And here ... Easy ... Like everyone ...". Notice what is being discussed in the men's circle? What kind of shows do you watch or what information do you read on the internet? Is everything clear? If you have not yet realized that the level of your success in life depends on the level of your thinking and communication, listen to the opinion of scientists. Listen to yourself and decide what you want to be, what information you will bring into your life, what thoughts and words you will use from now on, so that you gain strength, to become confident, strengthen your body, will and spirit, express yourself and your charisma 100% , to make your loved ones happiest in the world, your children proud of you, to make life on Earth better, and to all live among good and helpful neighbors. ***
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