Saturday, February 1, 2020

Molasses has great health benefits!
After my 93 year old aunt admitted to taking a tablespoon of molasses everyday from the time she was 28 years old I wondered if this was contributing to her good long healthy life. She had a fall in her nursing home a couple of weeks ago and did not break a bone. How remarkable! I was motivated to find out if molasses was her magical potion. According to Medical News Today *Molasses is a sweetener that is formed as a byproduct of the sugar-making process.*[source]( I learned that molasses is a a black syrupy non sugary substance that comes from the boiling of either sugar cane, beets, dates, sorghum and pomegranates The first boiling produces a light molasses that is sweeter in taste and generally used for baking. The second boiling produces a dark molasses, that is thicker and less sweet but still suggested to use in baking. It is the third boiling that makes the darkest, bitterer and strong flavoured molasses called blackstrap and can also be used for baking. Here is the blackstrap molasses I bought in the supermarket for the baking of the War Cake. This is made from sugar cane. My jar of molasses is un sulphured but some are sulphured, it has a sulphur dioxide in it, a preservative to stop the molasses from going off. 

Blackstrap is the healthiest option as it is filled with nutrients and vitamins. However, it is also the darkest, strongest and most bitter for the taste buds. Hence my War Cake is a strong flavour. The health benefits of molasses are numerous! It is high in iron, calcium and potassium and very good to combat anaemia, assist with the bone health and heart health, help lower blood sugars and cholesterol. And so it goes on. Of course there are warnings like remember molasses is a sugar based food so it is recommended that one does not go overboard with consuming too many tablespoons a day. Everything in moderation as they say!
18 milligrams per day is recommended so perhaps I will start with a dessert spoonful in a little hot water and see how I go. From what I can see there are plenty of different brands available in health food shops, supermarkets and markets to choose from. Organic blackstrap tastes the best says my old aunt and she would know. 

Cheers and Blessings


Originally posted here:

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