Tuesday, February 18, 2020

10 Uses of Epsom Salt

Epsom salt it's a mineral compound of magnesium and sulfate. Technically is known as magnesium sulfate, composed of tiny crystals that look like table salt. However, it is different from traditional salt because table salt is made up of sodium chloride. Epsom salt offers a wide range of uses, although is best known as a component of bath salts. In this article, we would like to talk about some of the reasons why Epsom salt is so useful and important for every home.

RELAX YOUR BODY If dissolved in warm water, Epsom salts are easily absorbed through the skin. That's how they immediately go to work inside our bodies and the magnesium ions begin to relieve stress once they break apart from Epsom salt molecules. The magnesium ions promote the production of serotonin and reduce the effects of adrenaline. RELIEVE PAIN AND CRAMPING A warm Epsom salt bath can help relieve muscle tension, pain, and inflammation in joints. It can alleviate tension headaches and soothe abdominal cramps. Moreover, a warm Epsom salt bath is great for tired and sore feet. MUSCLE AND NERVE FUNCTION Magnesium sulfate aids in many enzymatic functions and helps to regulate fluid retention in cells. Moreover, it facilitates the body's use of calcium to transmit chemical signals throughout the nervous system. FOR ARTERIAL HEALTH Epsom salts decreases inflammation and protects the elasticity of arteries. Also, it may help to improve circulation and healthier arteries mean less risk of blood clots and damage to arterial walls. Improve your cardiovascular health, reduce stress and lower blood pressure by soaking in an Epsom salt bath three times a week. REGULATE BLOOD SUGAR Magnesium and sulfate can help improve the body's ability to produce and use insulin. so, by intaking Epsom salts, you are lowering the risk of diabetes and improving your overall daily energy levels. RELIEVES CONSTIPATION This is one of the most popular uses of Epsom salt. Simply, dissolve one teaspoon of Epsom salts into a cup of warm water. HELPS TO REMOVE SPLINTERS Soak the affected body part in warm water and Epsom salts for a few minutes. It will reduce the inflammation around the wound. SOOTHE SPRAINS AND BRUISES Epsom salts have anti-inflammatory properties which can help to alleviate the soreness from sprains and bruises. KEEP FEET HEALTHY Soaking your feet in Epsom salt can help to treat athlete's foot and toenail fungal infections. Other benefits of Epsom salt: Natural Face Cleanser Remove Styling Product Build-up Add Volume to Hair Wash Pots and Pans As a Hand Wash Clean Tile and Grout
Originally posted here: https://steemit.com/epsom/@topnaturalremedy/10-uses-of-epsom-salt

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