Monday, February 3, 2020

Bacterial Wars: Using strategic friendly bacteria to target and kill bad bacteria and cure disease!


In a pristinely healthy person, one who escaped the medical system and enjoyed a more natural upbringing without antibiotics, and the chemicals and toxins of modern life, there are specific types of friendly bacteria that kill and control other types of invading bacteria and prevent them from overpopulating and causing diseases. Before you say, “Yeah, yeah, I know about probiotics already”, let me assure you that you really don’t know, because the reality is that there are over 1,100 species just in the intestines, and no one knows the full range of duties they perform for us. The best probiotic supplements we have only supply a pitiful number of types of bacteria. If it were not for our modern diet, chlorinated/fluorinated water, toxic chemical use, antibiotic and medication use, and almost every other convenience of modern life, researchers know that we would have double, nearly 6,000 types of bacteria living harmoniously within our body, all helping us to stay healthy. So nobody really knows all of the beneficial roles each of the thousands of species of bacteria play in our body. More:
Originally posted here:

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