Monday, February 3, 2020

Benefits of oatmeal
There are many properties that oats contain, which is why it is a very healthy nutritional food, which can be consumed throughout the year, because throughout the year it can be acquired without any setback. Being an easily accessible food, since it is economical and profitable, it is one of the favorite foods for many. Here I share some of the advantages that it gives us to consume it!

Nutritionally, oatmeal is very complete, but not only this, it surpasses many other cereals in nutrition, it provides healthy proteins and fats, it also provides good amounts of vitamins and minerals. * Contains slow absorption polysaccharides, which provides a feeling of fullness after consumption, and provides energy in a moderate way. * Its protein intake is the highest among cereals (13.8%) * A ration of 50 gr of oats, provide the body with 25% of the daily phosphorus, 20% of magnesium, 22% of vitamin B1, also provides potassium, calcium, selenium, silicon, zinc and vitamins E, B2 and B3, as well as also antioxidants and anti-inflammatories.

* Lower cholesterol: Since it contains soluble fiber called betaglucan, consume 3 gr a day, lower cholesterol levels in a few weeks. * Controls sugar: Stimulating the activity of the pancreas, so it is recommended for non-insulin dependent diabetics. Taking it for breakfast is ideal for this level to remain stable. * Protects from cancer: It is protective against some types of cancer, such as colon, breast or prostate. * Strengthens the muscles: To strengthen the muscles achieved with exercise, athletes need a certain amount of testosterone circulating in the blood, avenacosides help to recover this hormone. * Balances the nervous system: Vitamin B1, calcium and alkaloids, strengthen the nervous system, and promotes the ability to relax and concentrate. * Digestive: It is very effective in relieving the symptoms caused by the gastrointestinal ulcer. It is also very useful in case of gastritis, constipation and flatulence.

These are just some of its benefits, try to consume it daily and you will see its effectiveness. #
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