Friday, June 7, 2019

Sick of being sick

ugg. I have a wonderful knack for getting sick after road trips. It is far to common and I am pretty sure I know why, but I have not been able to change. We were gone for 10 days visiting family and while gone the yard grew incredibly which necessitated a lot of weed eating. Sunday and monday I spent a couple hours each day cutting grass and working my ass off to catch up with everything that I had not been doing while gone. Then on Tuesday I took the kids fishing and while at the lake the winds blew in a thick ass cloud of smoke from a fire in the middle of the state. After the intense amount of particulates in the smoke I started sneezing for the afternoon then the sick took hold that evening. While normally I would not have a problem cutting the grass each day, I was doing this in a physically depleted state, and then the smoke hit. While on road trips my tendency is to eat and drink a lot less. Partly due to lack of activity, partly due to the driving and not wanting to stop constantly, and partly due to just kind of forgetting about eating. This does not do me much good and has only lead to my getting sick most times after a trip. The past couple of days I have been in a state of disrepair, pain, chills, and mucus. Thankfully this morning I am feeling a bit better and am excreting the nasty mucus en-mass. The pain is subsiding, the chills are negligible, and my head is draining so at least I have bottomed out and am on the climb back to at least pseudo healthy. I say pseudo healthy since I still have not recovered form an ear infection a month or so ago which is still kinda hanging on. One sort of benefit to all this is I went on the flu diet. I am down 10 pounds over the past couple of weeks from the trip and the sickness. Yay me? With health improving I have a laundry list of projects that HAVE to get done. With the garden planted the primary thing now is trying to keep the jungle at bay and from taking over the property.
Image source - Pixabay
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