Sunday, June 30, 2019

My First Actifit Report Card: June 30 2019
Hello itinerants all over the world and steem community! Today I had my first actifit activity. By far I seem to be loving it. I have never imagined staying fit and healthy could be this rewarding! I did household chores and went jogging just to reach my first goal which is 5k steps. I hope to go farther as days go by. As I have mentioned in my previous blog I have been feeling under the weather so I am more motivated to stay healthy at all times in order to be productive and thanks to @actifit for incentivizing it. Looking forward for more activities with you all! That's basically it! DEUCES! CONNECT WITH ME: Twitter: em_diez Instagram: @jee_diez Facebook: @itinerantphblog Email:

House Chores, Jogging, Running

Originally posted here:

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