Tuesday, June 25, 2019

What does "sports" really mean to you?

As I was going through my messaging tool this morning, a bunch of social blogger was making a fuzz about the latest #sportstalk initiative in www.sportstalksocial.com , suddenly my FOMO kicked in. Should I? Should I not?


Source from www.sportstalksocial.com So I went dig down a little further to find out whether am I any chance fit into this category. First thing I went to find out is from Mr.G as usual. What I got replied really puts me down. Here's what I found. > Oxford Dictionary defines sport as “an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or a team competes against another or others for entertainment”. Source from [Forbes](https://www.forbes.com/sites/leighsteinberg/2018/07/28/what-defines-a-sport/)


This is me. I've been on diet and working my ass off trying to be healthy and ultimately I want a sexy beach body so badly! All my life, I never had my six packs abs. I've been working so hard for it, but I know probably six packs abs has very little to do with the amount of workout we committed. There's an old saying goes, "six packs abs are made out of kitchen". Which means, when someone's body fat is low enough, automatically their skin will be firmly attached to their muscles and be able to show those meatballs stuck on their stomach. I do commit to a lots of physical exercises, but do I qualify to log my daily workout routine as sports? Probably not. I have no problem working out Aline at home, sometimes with the kids behind my back! But there is no competition involved. I do have a very good weight loss partner right now, which is @erikah, but then again we are too far apart to compete afainst each other's physically. So I guess no sports for me, for the time being. I will find time to engage into real #sports, may be basketball? One of my favorite sports that I never been doing since I got kicked out of high school. We shall see if we can start training with the kids this week, and I will try to log that one as my fitness journal + sports talk. # Running alone, is called running. Running with another individual and compete against each other, it's sport.
Originally posted here: https://steemit.com/sportstalk/@davidke20/what-do-sports-really-mean-to-you

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