Thursday, June 27, 2019

Barberry and its benefits


The barberry belongs to the genus of bushes, less trees, of the barberry family. These are deciduous, semi-evergreen (partially fallen foliage), evergreen shrubs or small trees, with vertical grooved buds that branch off at an acute angle. The bark is grayish brown or grayish brown. It has another name - candy tree. The barberry growth area extends to almost all continents, except Antarctica and Australia, although they are distributed mainly in the northern hemisphere, in its mountainous regions. It is grown in gardens and, on occasion, is uncultivated in central and southern Europe, the Caucasus, Crimea, Eastern Siberia, Persia, North America and the Trans-Ili Alatau mountains, which are located in Kazakhstan. Only mature fruits of barberry can be eaten, as the unripe fruit is very poisonous. The ripe fruit of the barberry must have an elliptical and elongated shape of a red or black berry. There are several ways to store barberries. It can be dried under the cover or in the oven at a temperature of 45-50 degrees. In dry form, they can be stored for approximately 2 years. Fruits can be stored in paper or canvas bags for up to 3 years. You can store it, sprinkle with sugar in a ratio of 1: 1 or vice versa (200 g of salt per 1 liter of water). Canned pickles are stored in the refrigerator, tightly closed with a lid. Sweet billet is a wonderful compote. Barberry fruits are often used in the kitchen. They make excellent jams, jams, compotes, juices, jellies and syrups. Well dried and ground berries are used as a pleasant seasoning for meat dishes. Caucasian people add barberry during the preparation of kupat and pilaf. Liquors and wines are made from acid berries. The slightly immature barberry berries are salted and pickled. Barberry treat honey plants. The honey of its pollen bee has a golden yellow color and a delicate flavor. The leaves of barberry are used in the manufacture of marinated. From the wood, the bark and the roots obtain a wonderful painting, quite resistant, like chewing gum. Barberry berries are considered low calorie and dietetic products. 100 g of barberry contains 29 kcal. And the energetic value of the barberry gelatin - 218 kcal per 100 g, so its excessive use can negatively affect the shape. But the calorie content of barberry compote is only 112 kcal per 100 g. По материалам The fruits of barberry contain carotenoids (xanthophyll, lutein, chrysanthemmaxanthin, zeaxanthin, auroxanthin, flavoxanthin, capsanthin, etc.), carbohydrates, tannins, pectin, ash, organic acids, macro and microelements, vitamin E, C, and beta carotene. The leaves and roots of the barberry contain 11 alkaloids (the main ones are berberine, oxiacantine, palmatine, columbamine, iatroricine). Also in the leaves of barberry contains vitamins C, E, K, malic acid and citric acid, carotenoids, alkaloids, resinous and tannins. In addition to the wonderful appearance of the barberry has healing power. It was used in ancient Greece as a blood purifying agent. In the monasteries of Tibet, the barberry was considered a plant that prolongs youth. Barberry is widely used in Russia. Tincture of roots, stems and bark used for bleeding, inflammation, treatment of colds. Antipyretic, antimicrobial, hemostatic properties of the juice obtained from the berries of the barberry. It is also used to eliminate toxins, cleanse the body, delay the aging process. For diseases of the liver, rheumatism, inflammation of the bladder and kidneys, you should eat fresh ripe fruits of barberry. The barberry contains berberine alkaloid, which has a strong choleretic property. In addition, this substance can help to get rid of alcohol addiction and smoking. In official medicine alcoholic tincture of barberry was used; It is prescribed for hepatitis, in cases of uterine bleeding, with cholelithiasis. This tincture can be prepared at home. To do this, you need 20 g of barberry leaves, pour 70% alcohol (100 g) and insist 10 to 15 days in a warm, dry place until you get a dark yellow liquid. The finished dye has a slightly acid taste. There is also a drug called berberine, the name comes from a substance with a similar name, which is released from barberry. This medication is indicated for cholelithiasis and cholecystitis. Italian scientists in collaboration with doctors have discovered that berberine is almost indispensable for people with an increased kidney in patients with malaria. Indian doctors believe that berberine is useful in the treatment of leishmaniasis. In the treatment of malignant tumors, a special collection of herbs, containing a barberry root, is recommended. The bark of barberry roots is part of colelitin, a medication that is prescribed to treat cholelithiasis, exacerbations of jaundice and cholecystitis. In China, the bark of the stem is used as a lotion for inflammation of the eyes, and the bark of the root of the barberry is an aphrodisiac, astringent and anticancer agent. Bulgarians use barberry bark for kidney disease and radiculitis. In Poland, the use of barberry for the treatment of hypovitaminosis. Germans use barberry in the form of tincture or decoction for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, oral mucosa and lungs. In France, the barberry is a bactericidal, hypotensive and antifebrile agent. Delicious and healthy vitamin and healthy tea made with fruits and ripe barberry leaves. It is easy to prepare, for this you need leaves and fruit (1 teaspoon each) pour a glass of boiling water and let stand for about an hour. It is recommended to consume three times a day for approximately two weeks to obtain a stable and positive result. In cosmetology the barberry is used in the form of decoctions and infusions. They rub the skin to eliminate minor skin defects, smoothing out wrinkles and giving it elasticity. It is also used in the manufacture of masks to strengthen the hair and get rid of dandruff. To make a hair mask, you must prepare a handful of barberry with a liter of boiling water, let stand for about 45 minutes, cool well and strain. The hair should be rinsed after each wash for 2 months. You can make a rejuvenating facial mask in this way: grind an average green apple and 4 tablespoons of barberry, add a tablespoon of flour and sour cream, mix well and apply on the face for 15 minutes. To wash said mask it must be a chamomile decoction or green tea infusion. The barberry has a pronounced ability to stimulate muscle activity, so it should not be used during pregnancy, because there is a real risk of miscarriage. During lactation, women should not eat it either. If you use sedatives, treat the use of berries with caution, because She has a strong sedative effect. Doctors warn that excessive intake of barberry berries or drugs based on bark can cause intoxication, which is accompanied by dizziness, nausea, cramps, nosebleeds and swelling of the skin. The use of barberry or tinctures based on it is contraindicated in liver cirrhosis, cholelithiasis, menopausal hemorrhage, hepatitis of complex forms. Remember that you can not eat immature berries, because they are poisonous.

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