Tuesday, June 25, 2019

My #OneMore — Cucumber [DAY 8] ☝️


## #OneMore Did notice that I was tired this afternoon. Cucumber slowly kicked in and did a good job of making me feel hydrated and regular💩. *Ehmmm!* 😅 I also noticed that I slept EXTREMELY well. Could any of this be due to eating an entire cucumber in one sitting? Maybe!?
-More About The #OneMore Nutrition Plan-
___ Would you like to find out even more about the #OneMore nutrition plan? Come with me on a road trip! I'll tell you even more about the idea of eating #OneMore healthy thing every day! ___ Are you like me? Looking for better and easier ways to improve your health? Follow along as I eat #OneMore healthy thing every day for 100 days!


Fitness Entrepreneur Certified Personal Trainer @BeachReady @AdventureReady @Actifit @EveryStepCounts @OneMoreNutrition
___ #### DISCLAIMER The #OneMore Diet is something I am personally experimenting with. This diet protocol is what I am currently doing to improve my health while also increasing mindfulness for what I am eating on a daily basis. This content is not meant to be a recommendation in any way seeing as nutritional advice falls outside my scope of practice as a personal trainer and I don't know the personal particulars to your dietary requirements. All posts that fall under the #OneMore Diet are meant as a public log for what it is that I am doing solely for my own nutritional needs. It is my hope that you will take the ideas within this post as inspiration to take control of your own health and nutritional needs. Please learn from my content but apply your own discretion (and that of your nutritionist or dietitian) as only you know what sorts of foods are optimized for you. ___
©2019 @OneMoreNutrition
___ Posted using [Partiko iOS](https://partiko.app/referral/wil.metcalfe)
Originally posted here: https://steemit.com/onemore/@wil.metcalfe/my-onemore-cucumber-day-8-dvl7h6kc

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