Sunday, June 23, 2019

Storm Dance~*~


I enjoyed a rejuvenating, cleansing and energizing dance In The rain today as the storm blew in.


Rain Water is ozonated so great for the skin and the air is super charged by the storm too so very healthy.


I love being in nature and being connected with nature intimately improves health, happiness and compassion. I highly recommend walking barefoot everyday, getting deep breaths of fresh air and natural rain showers. Another stormy day. It’s so nice to get the cold fresh air blowing in with a storm. Not taking for granted as soon it will be scorching hot for months on end.


I love to sit out in the rain meditating, appreciating and taking in the freshness of nature. Doesn’t get much healthier than deep breathes, meditating in the fresh rain breeze.


Originally posted here:

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