Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Healthy Vegetable found in the forest


Dear Steemians, These are some of the beautiful photography taken with COOLPIX L22. Below are some sequences photos taken during my adventure visit to the forest of Aye, i came across this vegetables in the forest, this typical vegetable is very good for health especially blood shortage, one's can boil this vegetable leaf and drink it really help, I took some shots to share few more shots taken are right here below.




#### Thanks for stopping by on my post.


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----------------- Camera used |Nikon COOLPIX L22 ------------ | ------------- Lens | 6.7 - 24.00mm 1:3.1-6.7, 3.6X OPTICAL ZOOM. -------- | --------- Forest | Aye -------- | --------- Location | Nigeria -------- | --------- ---------------------

Logo team nigeria @davidad.jpg

Originally posted here:

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