Monday, June 3, 2019

How the government is pushing conventional cancer treatments through TV
So I watch a lot of TV, and that includes some medical shows. They are all fiction, but I believe that TV and movies shape our society and have done so for many years. It's even said that the government has their own movie lot where they shoot their propaganda. This makes sense to me especially after I learned last year how tight the government is with Hollywood. I don't like watching these medical shows as I'm 100% holistic and have been for years, but some of them have become a smidgen more alternative in their writing and that gives me hope. One thing I've noticed with two new TV shows (one wasn't even a medical show), is that the show's main topic is cancer, and they are PUSHING chemo and radiation. In fact, the characters who have cancer decided they did NOT want the chemo/radiation, and then after several episodes they decide to take it either to: 1 appease the person who was constantly pushing it on them 2. their doctor who was constantly pushing it on them, or 3. they had a scare with their health that pushed them in that direction after months of saying NO to harming their body and mind. Nothing irked me MORE than me thinking that for ONCE they would write about holistic methods to cure cancer since the characters clearly didn't want to take chemo and radiation, but of course, they didn't. The script was ALL propaganda to make the characters seem irresponsible if they DIDN'T take the chemo and radiation, or that they really didn't love the people in their lives if they didn't take it. In the two different shows, they even listed ALL of the reasons why it's so toxic to take chemo and radiation. Both harm the body and mind BIG time, and chemo kills healthy cells, not just the cancerous cells. That's why most people get cancer again, just in a different area of the body. In case people don't know, the government controls Hollywood and has for years, and they are also here to protect the elite, not us. The reason I bring this up, is because it's very obvious to me that more and more people are learning about holistic methods to heal themselves and are saying NO to toxic conventional methods that do nothing but put a band-aid on the problem INSTEAD of finding the root cause of the problem. I have to preface that even in the holistic industry MANY of these practitioners take the allopathic structure to hide the symptoms instead of actually fixing the root cause. They sell their patients tons of supplements telling them they will have to take them their entire life. It's clear to me that the government (by way of the PHARMA MAFIA) IS PUSHING these protocols and discussing the whole "cancer" thing to psychologically brainwash people to go back to trusting in the chemo/radiation treatment as their ONLY option. DISGUSTING, but this is our reality. (sigh) Sales must be down within the PHARMA MAFIA.
Originally posted here:

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