Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Bad stress causes inflammation in our bodies..... it is silent and undetectable. How do we stop it? Or can we?
We all choose a lifestyle that suits us, whether it is faster or slower than other individuals, we are busy with jobs and living our lives the best way we know. It might be that we are highly focussed on work, building that business, becoming successful or happy to earn a weekly wage to pay the bills and live a comfortable lifestyle. Succeeding is very satisfying but the downside is the strain, tension and worry that comes with meeting deadlines, taking work home and doing extra hours. But it is not just work that creates bad stress there are also lots of occasions in the home that are worrying and stressful. For instance, leaving work to run children/teenagers to sports, dance and music lessons, getting the washing done and dinner on the table, supervising homework and dealing with tantrums, secretive teenagers etc. Then there is the stress of coming to terms with sick parents and so on. The list goes on! There is not enough time in the day!

All the while without us realising it, stress is slowly and quietly causing inflammation in our bodies. The accumulative stress turns into chronic stress. We are still unaware that there is a ticking time bomb inside us. Symptoms are not evident until disease like cancer, hypertension and damaged auto immune systems are diagnosed. Until then all is hidden away deep in our cells. It comes as shock news because there was no warning or so we thought. We felt so well and walked, what the heck. We are so sure we were healthy and fit. Meditating, practicing yoga, running, walking, cycling and swimming are effective wellness practices that work for people. We have read the articles, listened to the medical health experts, psychologists and spiritualists. We might participate in the retreats and the health regime that suit our lifestyle, maybe every 6 months or year. But, is this enough to stop inflammation from growing?

Unfortunately it is not for some individuals. The big must is the need to change old time habits. This is the big challenge. Habits are entrenched. Recognising them is the first step. Replace old habits with new and better ones. We work on trust and belief that his is the right thing to do. It is achievable and feels good when it works. If only the medical world had a way to detect growing inflammation in our bodies. Early warnings would be most helpful ..... if only. Then we would know for sure and not second guess the need to engage in well being practices and the must to turn off from work long enough to reach a level of homeostasis.

Cheers and Blessings

Originally posted here:

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