Friday, February 7, 2020

Why I find brown rice a more healthy food
Whenever it comes to weight loss, it is advisable to keep distance from rice. Many dieticians completely exclude rice from the diet. In such a situation, people who are fond of rice also start cheating with their diet. In such a situation, brown rice is a great option for those rice lovers. Brown rice is more beneficial than white rice. Brown rice is a better option for those who are interested in healthy diet and weight loss and refrain from eating rice. Along with reducing calories, it has many benefits.

Let's know about the benefits of brown rice- ## 1. Is rich in nutrients One of the biggest benefits of eating brown rice is that rice nutrients like mineral, fiber, vitamin B complex remain intact. While in white rice these nutrients are reduced to a great extent. Due to the presence of dietary fiber in this, they are also very helpful in weight loss. Therefore, eating brown rice is more beneficial for health than white rice. It also contains antioxidants which are found in fruit vegetables. Brown rice contains more than just selenium, which keeps it away from serious diseases like heart disease, cancer and gout.
## 2. Keeps you away from diseases Brown rice helps in keeping many diseases away. It keeps away fatal diseases like cancer from losing weight. Let's know the health benefits of brown rice-
## 3. Reduces cholesterol levels Increase in cholesterol level means fear of heart related diseases. It is advisable to eat brown rice to control cholesterol. Brown rice contains fiber which along with digestion also helps in reducing LDL cholesterol.
## 4. Heart disease After menopause, various types of problems start in women. Such as increased cholesterol, high blood pressure, shortness of breath, heart attack or other heart disease. In such a situation, doctors advise these women to eat whole grains 6 times a week, especially brown rice. Consumption of brown rice is considered beneficial. Most heart diseases occur due to blocked arteries. Eating brown rice does not block the arteries and reduces the risk of heart-related diseases. According to US research, it has been found that women who consume whole grains and brown rice 6 times a week have been found to have less formation of bandages that accumulate in their arteries.
## 5. Diabetes will improve According to the health expert, diabetic patients should consume the same things in which the glycemic index level is less than 55. Health experts believe that this does not have much effect on blood sugar, if patients consume more than 70 glycemic index, then it can prove dangerous for them. That's why health experts recommend patients to eat brown rice instead of white rice. The level of glycemic index is 68 in brown rice, while it is 73 in white rice. Brown rice also helps in controlling diseases like diabetes. The fiber, protein, phytochemicals and minerals present in it keep the blood sugar levels low in the body, which is beneficial for patients with diabetes. [Source](
## 6. Also helpful in preventing stones Insoluble fiber is found more in brown rice, which is helpful in removing problems like stones. Indeed, a research published in the American journal Gestroentrology has noted that women who consume a diet rich in fiber, such as brown rice, are less likely to develop stones. Actually, insoluble fiber digests food slowly, it also reduces bile acid and also reduces blood fat by increasing insulin sensitivity. Therefore, the doctor recommends to take brown rice as well as the doctor.
## 7. Does reduce weight Brown rice is low in calories but it is rich in fiber, which leads to better metabolism. Fiber digests food slowly, which reduces appetite. Overeating does not occur due to reduced appetite. This reduces the amount of calories and fat in the body, which are beneficial for the body.
## 8. Bones Stay Strong Magnesium is very beneficial mineral for keeping bones strong and it is found in plenty in brown rice. It also helps in increasing bone mineral density. By taking this, you also get relief in joint pain.
## 9. Relief from depression Brown rice has anti-depressant properties, which help in fighting stress and brain related problems. It contains gamma-aminobutyric acid and glutamine which are a type of amino acids that produce neurotransmitters in the brain. This does not affect stress in the mind.
## 10. It is also beneficial for children Brown rice contains sufficient amount of carbohydrates and fat for the development of children. Which is very beneficial for the brain development of children. Therefore, it is advisable to feed whole grains and energy rich foods like brown rice to growing children. *** ### Thanks Posted via []( | The City of Neoxian
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