Friday, February 7, 2020

The overweight problem
This is another one of those very unplanned type posts but I feel i must get my opinion out there because the media does a terrible job and doesn't look at the bigger picture. Today i'm talking about Obesity and being overweight so let's begin.


**what has made me make this post?** In the news today they interviewed a few people regarding being overweight etc and I didn't pay any attention to it at all I am tired of hearing the same answers that people give for being overweight "they aren't eating healthy" or "they are lazy" I find it annoying that the people that talk about it just give the same generic excuses over and over. It is time to hear my thoughts you are welcome to disagree but I will still get my opinion across. Just before i get into my thoughts you are very welcome to comment whatever you wish i'd actually love to hear your thoughts on the issue so feel free to comment right lets get into the post. **Being overweight is a financial issue not just diet and exercise** This is something that literally no one talks about and that is the cost to live healthy. now I am gonna use screenshots from a relatively big food supermarket in the UK I am unsure about other countries but please let me know if its relatively accurate to where you are from. [source/website used for all images below](


Here you can see that you can purchase a standard pizza for £1.50 which as of writing this post is $1.93 USD. Now if I wanted A vegan pizza it costs more money.


An extra £2 more. We also have healthy bars that are both dairy and gluten free also vegan friendly


75 pence cheap yes but compare it to...


Which is cheaper and slightly bigger. Overall I am not trying to bash supermarkets but when almost all junk foods are way cheaper than healthy options it makes it difficult for low income families or individuals to pick the healthy options. Now let's talk about fast food restaurants and costs of meals. If you wanted to produce a big luxury type salad it would cost you around £5-£10 maybe more to create. you could probably make one way cheaper but if you wanted a "high end" salad it would easily cost more. Also you would have to spend time making the salad which well isn't difficult for people but can sometimes be a hindrance if you are busy on a certain day Especially when you could save time and money buying cheap pizzas or chocolate which you can just grab and eat. You could most likely get around this if you plan your meals etc but it was still worth talking about. We all have food places nearby we all have local Mcdonald's or A burger king or any takeaways. Now how many healthy snack bars, noodle bars or pasta bars do you see ? hardly any right maybe the odd one here and there in the town centre but only a couple and most likely no local ones. There is a noodle bar in my city but they charge ridiculous prices maybe they have to as they do not get many customers but £8 for a standard noodle pot with chicken and peppers is a bit pricely considering the Mcdonald's across the road sells big mac meals at around £5-£6 that is a full meal Burger, fries and drink whereas the noodle bar is more of a snack but if it is a meal it is still £8. Overall I just feel that people overlook the financial aspect of living healthy. **The Psychological aspect to dieting** Dieting for the first time is difficult not just cravings but keeping track of what you are consuming etc but that's not it in some cases people diet wrong and cut out things that somtimes you need for example fats are bad but some fats are beneficial same as other things. Some people will even starve themselves for days due to not being educated on how to eat healthy. Me personally my diet isn't the best but for weeks now instead of binge eating snacks such as chocolate, biscuits or crisps I now binge on lettuce instead literally I purchase a bag of already cut and washed lettuce and I eat that throughout the day just lettuce by itself out of the packet yes i make sandwiches with it and put it with things but a lot of the time i will just eat lettuce out of the packet as personally for me it stops me from grabbing a bag of crisps or a little chocolate biscuit. Not the best but it suits me down to the ground especially as I am very picky with what I eat and not liking a lot of fruit or veg. **social media and photoshop** A lot of influencer/public figures now days have to be at their best to gain followers and likes and whatever they desire this leads to photoshooping/fake photos and miss leading advice. How many times has Kim kardashian been caught photo shopping now its ridiculous yes she has a healthy body but is all this photo shop needed. People would assume if they followed an influences advice they would get the same results in the same amount of time now if the influencer photoshops his images it will mislead the person following their advice and if they do not lose weight or look accurately close to their figure instead of accusing the influencer they could starve themselves or make their diet worse and not good for their health. This concludes my post i apologise in advance it isn't the best written post as it was once again a very unplanned post but i hope you could gather some info from it. Please let me know how you feel about the issue etc. Thank you for reading my post.
Originally posted here:

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