Tuesday, February 4, 2020

More Students Opting For Cannabis Today Over Binge Drinking

## The abuse of alcohol today is directly contributing to the deaths of millions of people every single year around the world. More people are losing their lives to alcohol abuse than they are overdosing from pharmaceutical and illegal drugs. At the rate of how many are losing their lives because of this substance *it's estimated to be about 1 in 20*. And that doesn't take into account all of the people who harm themselves with binge drinking but don't lose their life to be included in the stats, or those who engage in violent acts against themselves and others, with alcohol fueling their actions. ## Think of how many families around the world have suffered in the past, and are today struggling and suffering because one member (or several) might be too weak to navigate their alcohol use in a healthy manner. They are in denial of their addiction and how it impacts others around them.
Alcohol obviously causes a great deal of problems in the world today, yet we can see that society in general is much more accepting of alcohol use and marketing of alcohol products, at least more than they are for illicit substances like mushrooms or cannabis. To some that might seem glaringly hypocritical, to others it's just a commonly held narrative that they aren't willing to challenge. # Choosing Cannabis Over Binge Drinking For college students, many of them aren't new to the concept of binge drinking, and recent [research From Oregon State University suggests that for states](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/01/200113131637.htm) with legal recreational cannabis that more students are opting for cannabis over binge drinking. The results have been published in the journal *Addiction,* and they show that many students are increasing their cannabis use in college. When researchers compared states with legalization and those without, they discovered that the students were more than *45 percent more likely to use cannabis* than those coming from states where cannabis is not yet legal. # For students [who are 21 and older they](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/01/200113131637.htm) were shown to have a greater drop in binge drinking, compared to their peers who are living in states with cannabis prohibition still. It probably isn't likely that cannabis smoking is fueling many domestic disturbance calls with law enforcement around the country. This is the most common call that they get called to, that the resources get wasted on, trying to navigate disputes between community members. The more that people turn to cannabis and the less they turn to a substance that fuels negative consequences for them, as alcohol does for many, the better those resources will be used. Not only that though, but it arguably would be much safer for individuals as cannabis has never been known to be the cause of a single death [because of an overdose](https://www.yahoo.com/news/no-one-ever-died-pot-overdose-dea-taking-no-chances-201123125.html). Pics: [pic1](https://www.vice.com/en_au/article/kwk5za/instagram-is-shutting-down-legal-weed-accounts) *The information that is posted above is not intended to be used as any substitute for professional medical advice, or diagnosis or treatment. The above is posted for informational purposes only*.
Originally posted here: https://steemit.com/weedcash/@doitvoluntarily/more-students-opting-for-cannabis-today-over-binge-drinking

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