Thursday, February 6, 2020

Learn Why Getting Well Is So Complicated.

woman-spreading-both-her-arms-2529375.jpgIn the early 1990’s (i don’t remember exactly what year)

I was introduced to a fancy new vitamin/mineral powder to take to increase health and energy. I believe it was called Renew Life. I don’t even know if the company is still in business or just changed names or formula’s, but that vitamin powder took my health in a new wonderful direction. I had lots of energy all throughout the day, and I never got sick, not even a cold, for as long as I was taking it. I don’t remember exactly why I stopped taking it, but that is not really important to our discussion. What I hope to impress upon you is that you can take control of your health away from doctors, who only manage symptoms with drugs, and you can actually learn how to use prevention to build your immune system and not ever have to worry about even getting the really devastating diseases that can kill you. How do I know. Well, since discovering that little vitamin powder, I have been studying alternative medicine and using it on myself for over 30 years now, so I know what works and what doesn’t. I subscribe to several alternative doctors newsletters, and I understand all the lingo that doctors use (well maybe not all of it) but I have learned how to research things very well and I always try things on myself first to make sure they work. One thing most people are unaware of about health is that diseased conditions can be created on the mental, spiritual, or physical level, so if for instance you are trying to treat a condition that was caused on the mental plane, you cannot fix that with drugs or supplements, because you are not working on the source of the issue, which is mental. You have to heal at the level of the source. Health issues can be very complicated and that is why when you see a good alternative doctor or a good healer or health coach (I am both a healer and health coach by the way) they always do an intake form and ask you a bunch of questions about things like your childhood, your habits, your mental thinking patterns, your overall history, and many other questions that are relevant in determining what may have caused your issue. The cause of the issue determines how you should go about fixing the problem. There are a lot of pitfalls to fixing health issues, and if you are going to a regular doctor and they have not helped you very much, you probably already know that. Doctors only know how to manage the symptoms of disease, healers and health coaches find the root of the problem and show you how to fix it yourself, with their help and guidance. Now, I said there are pitfalls, if you aren’t familiar with the how to. One very big pitfall is that 90% of all supplements are very low grade and don’t help you much, so you need someone who knows supplements that can show you the best ones to take so you are not wasting your money. Another big pitfall that is happening right now in the US and other developed countries, is that with all the unhealthy eating we do, a large percentage of us have digestive issues (gas, bloating, IBS, leaky gut, ext.) and when you have conditions like that, your body cannot absorb even the best of supplements so you have to fix the stomach problem first, or you will never get anywhere. I tell you that from personal experience. I had some kind of stomach problem for the last 2 years (I don’t know what because I never got a test to determine what it was) so I tried all these formulas that guaranteed they would fix my problem, but none of them did, until I finally did my own research and stopped wasting my own money, and found probably the only supplement that is capable of fixing such problems. And I just got lucky enough to get the only formula that is made the correct way because I had tried a couple of those before that did not work, but during my research I found out why they did not work. Stomach problems, are the hardest things to fix, and they effect so many processes in the body, so it’s very important to fix those first. A good health coach can show you what to take to keep from getting sick, and if you are already sick, they can guide you to find the answers you need to get well. If you are sick now, you know how important that is already. I did not get into how or why people become sick due to spiritual issues, because that is very complicated and it could have many causes, and is sometimes hard to determine, but just know that even so, there is a very easy fix. I am going to soon create an e-book that will have all the information you would ever need to become healthy again, or to stay healthy now without having to go to a regular doctor, so if you are interested, please refer back to this blog often to get updates and read my latest post. Also, if you need immediate help you can email me at and put health in the subject line. I set my fee’s on a sliding scale, so it’s based on how much you make. Have a great week. Doug
Originally posted here:

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