Monday, February 10, 2020

It's All in the Honey

//Natural Remedy//

Getting sick now and then is a common occurrence for any normal human being. Depending on our own immune system, lifestyle and general environment of exposure, getting sick a few times a year isn’t anything out of the ordinary. Of course I had to get sick as the weather continues to be a little miserable. With the media trumpeting about nCoV, one can’t be too careful. Thankfully my recovery was speedy enough but it made remember how much I love one simple drink, bittersweet honey and lemon tea. There are lots of natural remedies out in the open but a feel good solution that I’ve used for years is a citrus infused concoction with a big scoop of honey.

//Soothing Effects//

Tea is perhaps one of my favourite beverages and I like to explore tea from all over, coffee just isn’t my thing. The only drink for me when I’m down but not out, is a zesty mix of hot water, fresh lemon juice and a generous helping of honey. As luck would have it, I caught an annoying cough that needed to be taken care of. Medical guidance actually suggests the usage of honey when treating coughs and this was my first go to remedy, it made a world of difference. While the annoying coughs were not completely gone, frequency of coughing had reduced tenfold. I had been gifted some Manuka honey in the past and I gladly made use of it in my time in need. Drinking a warm and sweet drink on a cold day was satisfying and certainly lifted my mood.

//Life is Sweet//

Honey has many health benefits and is used in a number of natural remedies. While sweet, it can be used as a treatment for diabetes, cancer, asthma and many other ailments. It contains great antibacterial properties along with functions as an antioxidant. Honey is powerful and I’ve slowly but surely wanted to incorporate it into my daily life. I rarely add sugar my beverages and my tea is kept herbal for the most part. Honey contains a various vitamins, minerals and other healthy nutrients. Yet there is not decisive evidence to show if Manuka honey is any better than a locally sourced variant. Manuka honey comes from the manuka bush in New Zealand and is hailed as the ultimate medicinal honeydew. Various sources highlight its high antibacterial properties but I will be looking to try locally sourced honey in the near future.

//New Morning Ritual//

I have a number of accounts relating to the benefits of honey, water and lemon every morning. It’s an intriguing ritual that I want to trial in the coming weeks to see its benefits. So with my new found love for everything science and honey, I’ll be keeping a personal log of its noticeable effects (if any) and may report here one day. If you use honey on a daily basis, let me know! Sources
Originally posted here:

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