Wednesday, June 5, 2019

We are free to make their own choices, about vegetarianism for example.
We are free to make their own choices, about vegetarianism for example. The reason I have this reaction of sadness is that it has been determined that the commericial killing of animals is not humane & is another part of the blood sacrificing (not like Indigenous hunting & meat consumption was done & probably the most healthy asking the herd for their physical support, some animals present themselves, they are given a clean kill, honored, thanked & taken to the tribe for sharing. So I think (my belief) that as an aware person who has learned the truth I must teach others. Because, like it or not the actions of the others effect me. Ascencion can not occur UNTIL a certain % is awake & unfortunately they continue to resist THUS we finally received Galactic assistance otherwise the 6,000 yrs of child sacrificing would continue. Just sayin.

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