Sunday, June 2, 2019

Noni cultivation
It is a fruit with extraordinary healing properties that most people have never heard of. More than 2,000 years ago it has been used successfully in Polynesia, China, India and other countries. Noni migrated with the inhabitants of those regions to the islands of the South Pacific, Tahiti, Hawaii and Malaysia, and proliferates better anywhere there is a volcanic soil without pollution. It has been shown that as well as aloe vera, seaweed, papaya, PycnogenolMR and other botanical agents, Noni extract helps in the improvement of a huge range of diseases.

For its use, the Noni fruit is prepared as a nutritious supplement, in the form of juice. Although the fruit has a very bitter taste and unattractive smell, as a nutritional supplement, Noni is very tasty on the palate and smell because it contains an addition of natural grape and cranberry juice, a special blend formulated by two renowned scientists. of the nutritional area, Stephen Story and John Wadsworth. Research highlights that Noni strengthens the immune system by regulating cell function and regeneration of damaged cells. The fact that noni acts at the most basic and fundamental cellular level can explain why it serves a wide variety of conditions. Dr. Richard Dicks, a New Jersey clinical physician, tells us: "We are beginning to realize that we must go back to the basics when it comes to our bodies, in other words, either the burning of nutrients is reduced or The body itself is destroyed, Noni saves our body because it provides the nutrients that are necessary. " The body heals itself! In fact, Noni has more than a hundred primary and secondary applications. This book will focus solely on its primary uses. Noni is a medicinal plant of incalculable value, given the functions described below, and which will be discussed later with more details: * Reduces high blood pressure. * Interacts with melatonin and serotonin helping regulate sleep, temperature and moods. * Increase the energy of the organism. * Acts as an anti-inflammatory and anti-istaminic agent. *Alleviate the pain. * It has anti-bacterial properties that can protect against digestive disorders. * Inhibits the precancerous function and growth of Cancerous tumors The plant can not be reproduced by any of the methods sexually or asexually. It can be grown from seeds or propagated by cutting the stem. Growing from noni seeds is better than vegetative in terms of tree strength. In vegetative reproduction, the trunks of the plant are easily broken in their fifth year, onwards. However, it takes 6-12 months or more for the plant to develop its first leaves if there is no seed treatment. While 1-2 months are necessary to reach such a stage through stakes. Propagation of seed germination Noni seeds are characterized as oblong-triangular reddish brown, and have a conspicuous air chamber. They float in the water and are hydrophobic due to these air chambers and their strong, water repellent fibrous tegument. The tegument of the seed is hard, thick and covered with layers of parchment cellophane. On average, a noni fruit can contain one hundred (100) of the seeds. Selection of Fruits and Plants In the selection of noni fruits for germination, barely soft, ripe one showed to be chosen for its seeds. Immediately, the seeds should be separated from the fruit flesh. To do this, the fruit is broken into smaller pieces by hand. Ten the meat is heavily pulverized with water. Using a firm screen in coador, the fruit is fragmented and washed and squeezed through the screen, the seeds are separated. It takes about 15 (15) minutes or more to perform this process of separating the seeds from the meat. The seed can be planted with the meat, but linked to the germination it will take more time than usual. Scarification of seeds The coating of hard seeds should be scarified through notch puncture to reduce germination time. It also improves the percentage of germination and brings uniform sprouting. By natural means, the seed coat decomposes slowly, and then germination follows. Scarification accelerates the process. Drying and Seed storage The noni plant seeds can be dried and stored for future planting. However, its life time during storage is not known. The drying is done through cleaning, seeds, separating the seeds out in a newspaper and air-drying in masks or interiors for two to three days. Then store them in an airtight container at room temperature Plantation Noni seeds can be planted directly after having been separated from the meat. Or it can be germinated first by immersion in water before being planted in the containers. It takes nine months to a year before being transplanted to the fields. Some plants farmer fragmented fruits with seeds directly to the ground. Germination To obtain better conditions, noni seeds are germinated in hot and humid conditions. With the application of heat, the germination period can be reduced from several months to only a month of two. The seeds can tolerate a temperature of 100 ˚ C or even higher. If the seeds should be germinated in nursery or greenhouse, locate it in the hottest part of the place. Artificial heat can be supplied with heating cradles cushions under the seed apartments or by placing the apartments or containers in a special house frame covered with transparent plastic. Growth media For better results, artificial culture media are recommended. These means can be cleaner than field soil to the extent that they can be more sterile. They also contain pathogens characteristic of soil in an agricultural field. Pathogens can cause plant diseases. And noni seeds are susceptible to the disease known as gall-disease caused by minute parasite worms. Growth recipients It is advisable that noni seeds be planted in deeper seedling apartments to allow the growth of taproots rather than guaranteeing a safer establishment and faster transplanting to the soil later. These are not always possible if the seeds developed short, deformed plugs, the badge as the seed germinates in the apartments, and are transferred to the growing vessels within a few weeks of germination. Larger and deeper vessels give rise to a larger molts and more vigor. They also provide a better rooting volume for the seeds and produce large, healthy seedlings for transplantation. On the other hand, small vessels and containers somehow delay the growth of the seeds. Tail care Noni mothers, grown in pots, are transplanted to the soil of a field after 9 to 12 months in full sun. In spite of the changes of up to three years or more, it can also be good for the transplant. The care of seedlings can be maintained by fertilization once a month or a controlled release fertilizer less frequently. 4-14-14 Balance formulation can be used that contains micronutrients. Liquid foliar fertilizer can also be administered to young plants and as growth progresses, the rapidly soluble granular formulation can be used. Noni cultivation by estaquia It is advantageous to grow noni plant by cutting the stem in the sense that it decreases the germination period by several months. Although she produces a quality of weakening the true shells. In their vegetative propagation stems or branches they are cut vertically or laterally and allowed the root. Cutting from stems and branches will sprout fast roots in optimal conditions. A rooting compound can be used to promote rapid root creation. In the trunk or selection branch for cutting, choose vigorous plants. Next, remove a branch or trunk and check for fresh sap flow from the wound if the flow of the sap is of good quantity, which is a good place for cutting. If there is no flow of sap is observed, discard the materials and look for another plant or premises or wait for another time of the year to make the cuts. Signals of flow of sap that the plant is vigorous, with store of high energy.

Plant the cut end of the bar just cut into a glass or container plant with medium of general growth purpose. Artificial, pathogen-free medium is preferable to soil without agricultural field treatment. It is important that the soil is clean and free of disease of the causative organism. Place the glasses in a partially shaded area and water regularly. If rooting occurs, transfer the plants in full sun and start the fertilization process. The young noni plant, which is the cut product of the lateral stem, tends to grow in a creeping manner and is subject to branch division when the fruit load is heavy. Factors to be observed in Noni Cultivating plants 1. The choice of place Choose a site that has not undergone recent intensive agriculture to ensure that the soil is clean and free of root-nematode nodes. The sun, with well drained and well-ventilated soil. The place of flood risk, the compacted area and heavy soils should be avoided. Prepare the soil completely. 2. Puzzles It should be considered that the site is free of strong winds, because the noni young transplant does not grow well under this condition. If this condition can not be avoided, the diamonds should be planted for protection. 3. Varieties There are only two varieties of plants used in the cultivation of noni. Morinda trimera resembles Morinda citrifolia, but with smaller leaves and fruits. Morinda citrifolia is another variety, potteri, which has varied, green and white leaves. The differences between noni plants are seen in their size fruits, shape and number of seeds. The improvement in his hereditary characteristic can be achieved through the selection. 4. Spacing Planes The plants are not planted 10-15 meters away by an average of 290 plants per hectare. Overpopulation and susceptibility to disease can occur when planted larger. 5. Floors Noni is a bit of a tough one so that it can thrive on any king of soils and their conditions. 6. Pruning When the plants reached their years of age, they could have suffered their first fruiting season. And during or after which, it can be pruned. It can reach an average height of 20 feet. Farmers choose to prune their plants vertically to facilitate harvesting of the fruits. Pruning is a process that can help in the interruption of conditions conducive to the emergence of pests and diseases. 7. Nutrition and Fertilizers The type of soil and the amount of rain fall dictates the amount of nutrients present and the frequency of fertilizer needed. The Noni cultivated plants in the forest are generally healthy and do not need any fertilization. This means that the plants do not require the application of very artificial fertilizer, although it is necessary in the production of intensive seedlings. The most used fertilizer is 14-14-14 or 16-16-16. Young mothers are given a controlled release formulation while the more mature ones require the granulated formulation. 8.Water supply Moderate irrigation is necessary for the cultivation of noni. It can thrive in the soil with long periods of drought, especially when it has already been established. Over-irrigation can accelerate noni damage by branch nematodes, root rot and nutrient fertilization leaching.

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